
"You don't need to worry," her mother-in-law told her as her eyes scanned the place. "It's a family's property. It's quiet here."

She got the idea that it would be really quiet as they were in the car for more than half an hour. They pretty much got away from the bustling streets of the crowded city. But still, her eyes flicked to the possible exits if ever there was something unexpected that would arise.

They were in a garden at a back of an fully furnished and yet empty house. There weren't flowers around the place, just bushes and the soft grass under her heels. They were seated at a white metal table with matching chairs. It wasn't the most ideal piece of furniture for long talks so Feng Xuan was thinking that they were not going to stay for a good amount of time here.

The service was quick and small plates of food were served. There were noodles and shrimp with cream sauce. Side dishes littered the table.