Family Reunion

Feng Xuan drowned herself in her work yet again to keep her mind away from her own thoughts. On the weekends, Scout, her great german shepherd, kept her occupied. He was good at keeping her distracted. In the mornings, they would go for a run and they spend afternoons in the parks. She usually took a book with her. She tried to keep her day as filled as possible.

Finally the day of the fashion show came. She was also excited about it. Somehow, Wang Yimin convinced her to walk on the runway again despite her many qualms about it. They compromised and said that she was only going to walk on the runway at the end.

Feng Xuan must've seen a gazillion flowers by now. They wanted to take advantage of nature and its natural setting. They rented out a whole recreational park for their event. Flowers bloomed everywhere and it was well kept.