Devil Incarnates

Wuming was already in the Enigma office, which was at the floor below The Gentlemen's Club. The first that he was there when he came back, he already did the initial scan of the place. There weren't much that was inside. To be honest, it looked more like a filing cabinet and a storage room rather than an office.

It had always looked like that even when he was younger. He honestly didn't see the sense of not leaving any evidences on who owned the office when the illegal operations were happening on the very soil of The Kingly Hotel.

For him, it was stupid. If he had been boss, he would've decorated the whole place; paint the walls red and buy figurines and spray paint them in gold and display them everywhere. But he was NOT boss and Qing Chen could not be bothered to make an effort in a place that he did not want to be in the first place.

Wuming took one of the black folders on top of the desk and continued his thought as his eyes roamed around the numbers.