Feng Xuan couldn't wrap the thought around her head. "How come that you don't feel…"
"Feel what?" Ma Min asked and slurped on her large drink. "Guilt?"
Feng Xuan nodded. "I can't think about it."
"Well, it was not like that kill was uncalled for," Ma Min defended. "There is a reason why. It helps me sleep better at night knowing that I eradicated a filthy human, you know?"
She sounded just like Wuming. Maybe they really did share the same philosophy in their job.
"If I'm going to be honest with you, Xuan, I don't think this job is for you. You're too weak in the heart—now, don't take that as an insult. It just meant that you're a normal human being."
Feng Xuan forced a smile at that. "It's just weird. When I was younger I remember wanting this kind of job. I even got into thousands of arguments with my mother about this. She didn't want me to go training, you know? Because I had to be the perfect wife in the future."