When they got back to the mansion, Qing Lok was already sitting up and had a laptop on top of a breakfast table. "You should not be working," Feng Xuan said when she came into the room. She was freshly showered, but she did not feel any better.
"There's a lot to do," Qing Lok answered her, his eyes glued to the screen. "I am busy."
"I tried to stop him," Liu Meilien said from his bedside. "But he was insistent."
"Of course," Feng Xuan replied. She inquired about the latest updates. She should not be even here, but she did not feel like seeing Qing Chen at the moment. She was scared that she would blow up or dissolve in a puddle of tears when she had to face him again.
"Can I speak with you outside?" Liu Meilien asked.