Massacre final

Just as he was about to leave he suddenly felt something sticking out right above his ass to which he looked and what he saw made him almost collapse. HE SAW A FUCKING TAIL. Rubbing his eyes just to make sure he wasn't hallucinate, but even after that he still found it there. Looking at the tail it looked like the typical demon tail long and slim and the tails color was black. At the tip of the tail he saw a little flame there which he wasn't surprised about because his wings has the same flame on it.

Transforming back to human form he saw that everything went back to normal and that there wasn't any changes on his body which made him relieved.

After changing to a new pair of clothes because the previous ones became dirty from the impurities that came out of his body, Lucifer Went to the Azura dragon clan compound.

Arriving at the clan he saw two guards that were guarding the clan entrance. Waking up to them he said" good day to die isn't it.

Hearing what Lucifer said the guards became surprised because they never heard anything like this before but them they became mad and one of them said" who are you mortal to say such evil thing, you must have been controls by demons so let me end your suffering. And then he attacked Lucifer with his sword that he had around his waist.

Hearing the lame excuse of the guard made him laugh while coming up with a idea that he thought was funny. Seeing that he was about to get hit he just looked at the two guard and the next second they became ashes. Seeing them dead Lucifer went to the clan door and destroyed it with one punch and then loudly said" YOU EVIL AZURA DRAGON CLAN HOW DARE YOU KILL MY PET FLY I WILL DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS IF I DON'T TAKE REVENGE FOR MY FLY.

After saying that he began killing everyone in site. Men, women and even children you name it, he wasn't a idiot and wasn't planning on letting them kids go because he didn't want at least 100 after his neck and them seeking revenge so he killed every living person in the clan.

All the clan elders heard that was a madman slaughtering the clan members and when they asked the servant why he said that the person said that we killed his fly to which almost all clan elders wanted to puke blood and all were thinking(are you fucking kidding me, killing hundreds of people just because we killed your pet fly.)


With Lucifer he was enjoying the feeling of people's blood and you may think that he is a mad man for feeling like this but you got to know that 98% of this clan is rotten to the core so he is happy killing them of. After a little bit he saw twelve silhouettes that were rushing to his location. He guessed that they were the clan elders so without wasting time he went and swiftly chopped their head of.

Taking the heads and putting them in the storage ring he went to the treasury from the patriarch's memory and took everything that was in there and before leaving the clan he burned the whole clan compound down and wrote with big letters "THIS IS THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE THAT GO AGAINST THE HEAVENLY EXCALIBUR sect and he left but not before giving the city a big surprise.

It was peaceful in the morning of silverwing city but then a scream of a girl was heard though the whole city and when people came to see what happens they became petrified and also screamed.