Yay More Killing

"You've truly lost your mind this time you crazy bastard, we've never fought against a hoard this big. Even the one in the mall wasn't this big and we had more people and more importantly guns that time, and this time we don't even have our weapons so you must either have a fucking brilliant plan or all these crazy ideas of yours have finally fries your brain."

As soon as he had finished talking, William smacked him over the back of his head almost making him fall flat on his face.

"Seriously, how long have you known me since shit hit the fan, I always have a plan. They might seem stupid or suicidal to all of you but trust me I really dont want to be killed by some stupid zombie. I have everything worked out all we really need to pull this off is a new axe and sledgehammer for me and Jack and some better clothes, the ones we have on at the moment isn't very protective and even if they only protect against a single bite that's all we need."

They decided to try checking out the building they were in first to see if they could find anything that could be used as a weapon before going out to look for the actual weapons. They found a few zombies but they were quickly kill or incapacitated so that they weren't a threat, they only managed to find pipes for Jack and William to use, not as good as their original weapons but definitely better than nothing. The first place they decided to go to was one of the famous stores that mainly sold tools (starts with screw) to see if they had any good axes and sledgehammers, they actually made it there in good time as they didn't meet many zombies on the way and any they did meet were either taken down by Felix, or if they were too strong then either William or Annabel (if Annabel could hit it).

Inside of the store was a different story, it seems others had the same idea as the place was crawling with zombies, a few had visible injuries but they were pretty light and not enough to actually do much. Instead of a tactical approach they all decided to just go straight in and kill anything that moves, they had wasted more than enough time already with this now pointless trip and if the trapped people were dead when they finally reached them that would just make things even worse. The zombies didn't know what killed them, as soon as they entered the store they started swinging smashing skulls, breaking bones and crushing limbs none of the zombies survived any length of time. After they had finished all of then except Annabel were completely covered in the black blood but at this point they didn't really care that much. Its not like even if they completely cleaned themselves that they would stay clean for long, might as well rock the look. They grabbed their respective weapons and went over to a bunch of the clothes stores, killing any zombies they saw. The only people who wanted better clothes were William and Jack, Felix didn't want anything as it would most likely be heavier than what he already had on and would slow him down. Annabel didn't need anything as her job would be crowd control, from a safe position where she had no chance of actually getting close to the zombies. William and Jack however were the main heavy duty killers so the stronger the clothes they wore the better. They both decided to grab some black BDU pants and two pairs of heavy duty steel toecap boots each, William grabbed a few more shirts, but most importantly he grabbed a black leather jacket and leather gloves. Felix decided to also grab a pair of gloves, but only after he saw a pair with metal studs embedded in them. They would provide better protection when he punched but would also do more damage thanks to the studs. Jack decided not to grab a jacket and instead got a black hoodie. They quickly left the 2 stores and headed back to the "safezone" and the man in the other building, he was still hiding and almost seemed slightly surprised to see them but when he saw all the loot they had managed to grab he was surprised. They only stopped for a few minutes to catch their breath and so that William could tell Annabel what he wanted her to do and where to position herself on the building.

By the time they were ready to head out again it was nearly dusk and it was quite dark which really didn't help then at all but they didn't want to wait until tomorrow. William and Jack were gonna head straight in through the main entrance while Felix went in through one of the backdoors and headed up the fire escape stairs to try and find any survivers while William and Jack cleared out the floors one by one. As soon as they found the main hoard or the survivors they were to signal Annabel who was on one of the highest floors being protected by the random man, her job was to make sure nothing went wrong and if they found any zombies they couldn't kill she was to shoot them.

Or at least that was the initial plan, surprisingly enough plans don't reallllllllyyyyyy work during a zombie apocalypse, especially when its about a building that you don't know the layout of, with a bunch of zombies that you don't know the strength of or even the amount of zombies. Thankfully it went according to plan for a few minutes, but after they all arrived at the 5th floor things went downhill for them pretty quickly.

It started off with William and Jakc running up the main set of stairs with Felix slightly later than them running up the back stairs. As soon as they got to the 5th floor they could tell it wasn't going to be fun, the other floors didn't have many zombies, maybe a dozen or 2 at most and there wasn't that much blood around. The 5th floor was a completely different story, instead of finding zombies or the walls being covered in blood, all they found were skeletons, not dead bodies of zombies or even humans, just piles of bones and the occasional actually skeleton with all its bones still intact. It looked like zombies had completely stripped the body of flesh and anything that wasn't the actually bones faster than it took for them to turn, this only intrigued William as this was showing new behaviour in the zombies and showed that they didn't just want to infected other people, Jack on the other hand ran back down the steps and threw up at the sight. William walked further into the floor and saw 1 or 2 zombie bodies but these had all their flesh on them still. It looked like the zombies wouldn't eat other zombies even when they died, only humans.

Felix saw the same sight on the other side of the floor, bones and the occasional zombie body. He took it slightly worse than William but nowhere near as bad as Jack. All he didn't was look away for a few seconds before turning back around and continuing on. None of them had found any survivers yet but that was to be expected, if any survivers were on floors this low they would have tries to escape and either succeed or die trying. So he begrudgingly went further on to see what else he could find, but unlike with William and Jack he did actually find something. A lone zombie was just standing by the stairs the lead to the 6th floor, it occasionally looked around but never moved from its spot. Felix hid behind the wall and every so often peeked around the corner to see what it was doing, the 9th time he did this however the zombie noticed him. Its dead soulless eyes locked onto him but instead of charging towards him it immediately ran up the stairs and disappeared.

Felix decided he had seen enough and decided to divert from the plan and find William and Jack so that they would be together. He quickly made his way over to him and obviously they were perfectly happy for him to join him. (William was actually thinking of going to find him anyway) And after he told then about the random zombie they became even more concerned, they quickly signaled Annabel and motioned for her to search the upper floor. After a minute William's phone rang, they decided to use the phones only in emergency as they had no way of reliably charging them yet.

"Yeah you guys were right, the next floor up is completely filled with zombies, none on the 7th or 8th. Just the 6th so if I were you I would try to find another way up instead, its almost like they know where you guys are and have set up and ambush for as soon as you go up those stairs."

"Yeah they probably do know where we are, just before Felix decided to join us he saw a very strange zombie and now I think I know what it was doing, it was a fking scout. As sson as it found food/an enemy it retreated to tell the main group, who have now set an ambush up for us. The super zombie that's leading these zombies must be really smart to be able to get all the zombies do follow its commands to the letter like this."

They set off again to try and find another way upstairs without alerting the zombies, but after they had gone around the entire floor they still hadn't found a safe way up. The main stairs and fire exit were the only ways up and they were both blocked by all the zombies. Most of them were closer to the main stairs as when they got spotted (they never actually saw or heard the zombie) it was William and Jack, not like when Felix was found as then it was just him. So the three of them decided to go up the fire stairs as far as possible before bunkering down and fighting, letting the zombies come to them and slowly thinning their numbers.

Just before they were able to start up the stairs Annabel called again, this time with a few bits of good news. First off she had roughly found where the super zombies were at, the 8th floor wasn't like the rest. All the windows were boarded up with random junk, which is pretty out of place as why would you only board that 1 floor up. The 2nd thing was she has found a few of the survivors, on the 9th floor she saw something moving around, as she could see their shadows. So she started flashing a torch that she had grabbed earlier on to see if they would respond, which they did.

Hearing this the three were even more determined to get past the 6th floor, even if they didn't find any survivers the sooner this big hoard was destroyed the better. If any origin zombies joined them along with the super zombies they would be way harder to completely kill and if they left the building any survivers they meet would probably be killed. So the three of them, William with his new sledgehammer, Jack with his new axe and Felix with his studded gloves started to climb the stairs...