Chapter 11

After a few moments of being dazed, Dan snaps out of it. "I can't believe Emma's here," Dan exclaims to himself. "But why is she here? I don't remember any field trips planned this soon. Maybe they pushed it up or something," Dan reasons. "I should take a closer look at Emma's info from Identify. I probably missed a few things as I was dazed."

[Name: Emma Sage Species: Human

Power Level: 17 Worth: Nothing (Protected)

Note: Younger sister of Dan Sage and only daughter of Eric and Rose Sage. A relatively intelligent member of the human species, a species designated as protected by a large number of Earth's gods. They do not give any bio-energy and could incur a penalty if you kill them unprovoked, or the person you kill is a good person. However, if they provoke you, meaningfully harm other humans, or undermine the protection of Earth, they become worth bio-energy, and you can kill them without the worry of penalties.]

"It says power level instead of threat level and even shows a number. I wonder if that is just for humans or everything. Humans are designated protected by the gods of Earth making them worth no bio-energy. I guess that's good. I wasn't going to eat humans anyway. The thing about a penalty for killing them is a bit worrisome, but I think I will be fine as long as I am careful," Dan thinks to himself as he reviews the information.

"The police must have found my body already. I hope Emma wasn't too heartbroken when she found out. Though I am not really dead, I can't tell her I'm a lizard. I can only make strange lizard sounds right now," Dan thought to himself. As Dan is thinking to himself, he has an idea. Maybe he can get her attention, and try to communicate to her through his action, getting her to take him with her. If that doesn't work, he could always hitch a ride on the bus as she goes leaves then keep eating until he finds out a way to communicate with her.

After coming up with a plan, Dan hears Emma come back into the room. Dan knows his plan is risky but sets his plan in motion despite the danger.

Dan wiggles his way through the window and drops on the floor like last time. Hearing a thud behind them, the girls turn around and say, "What was that?"

Emma glances around, seeing the window open she asks Catlin, "Has that window over there always been open," pointing to the window.

"I don't know. I never paid attention to the window," Catlin answers.

"I better go close the window and see what fell," Emma says as she gets up.

As Emma comes over, Dan is trying to calm his nerves down.

Coming over to close the window, Emma sees Dan and jumps a bit, startled by seeing a lizard unexpectedly. "Catlin, I found what made that thud, and you're never going to guess what it is."

Seeing that his sister is not afraid of him brings him some relief. But hearing her say the name Catlin, leaves Dan dazed. He knew Catlin. She is best friends with Emma. She is also one of Dan's best friends. He loves hanging out with her. Dan wonders what she would think of him now.

Dan snaps out of his daze as his sister walks closer to him. "Catlin, come over here and look."

"What is it," Catlin asks as she gets up to see what Emma is talking about. Walking over to Emma, Catlin sees Dan, "Oh my goodness, it's a lizard. It's so cute and small," Catlin exclaims excitedly. "It must have come inside for shelter."

"Come here, little fella," Catlin says, holding her hands out to pick up the lizard.

"Careful Catlin, if he feels trapped, he could bite you," Emma tells Catlin.

Dan, hearing Catlin call him little annoys him a bit, even if it is true now, so he decides to not go over to her.

"Let me try. I still have some of the snack I had from earlier left," Emma says as she breaks off a piece and puts it in her hand. "Come to me, I have something for you to eat. Don't you want something to eat," she says in a high pitched voice, similar to how you would talk to a baby or a pet.

Dan walks over to Emma and starts eating out of her hand. He wouldn't deny food when offered to him.

"Look, Catlin, he likes me more," Emma says teasingly.

"*huff* He just likes you because you have food," Catlin states, a bit upset that the lizard did not go to her.

"Oh, don't be upset, I will try to pick him up and hand him to you," Emma says, trying to appease her.

Dan finished eating out of Emma's hand, is pick up by her. "Alright, little fella, it's okay. I am just going to hand you over to Catlin, so stay calm and try not to scratch her."

After being held by Catlin for a few minutes, Dan decided he had enough of being held and wriggle his way out of Catlin's hold. "Well, it looks like someone doesn't to be held any longer," Emma says.

Dan decides it is time to try and communicate with them. He wags tail back and forth like a dog and makes squeaky lizard noises. Trying to behave strangely, so they would pay attention to his actions.

"That's so cute. I think this little guy might be a pet or something. I have never seen a lizard act like this outside of rarely seeing it on videos online. And, even then, I don't think I have ever seen lizards act like this with strangers. But, I don't see an ankle tag or anything, maybe he was abandoned," Catlin says to Emma.

"That would explain why he is not afraid of us, but who would be so cruel as to abandon this adorable little guy," Emma says.

Hearing what they are saying, Dan is screaming to himself, "I WASN'T ABANDONED. I AM DAN. YOUR BROTHER AND YOUR FREIND," looking at Emma, and Catlin respectively.