
Ok, so, I am not very approachable. But that doesn't bother be. When I was young, I was often asked why I was so modest and kept to... In all honesty, I'm not really sure. What I am sure of is this: My name is Kirigami Akayia, I am 16 years old, I like dudes and girls, and I can pull off either look. "Am I a transvestite?" No. "Do I mind looking like a boy, despite my gender?" No. I am not too friendly, however, somehow I've still managed to make a few friends... Somehow.

I got tired of having long hair, so I cut it all off... Now I've got a typical Japanese boy hair cut, so I kinda stand out , "oh well". I have high cheek bones, a few freckles, bright red eyes, and black hair. I'm average height- Somewhere in the general vicinity of 5'6...

I just cut it off yesterday, and I haven't seen anyone I know since, so I guess it might come as a surprise to them, when they see. I'm going to meet two guys that are good friends of mine in a cafe downtown, in 15 minutes... I'll just walk in, pretend like I don't know them, and sit down with them. Haha, I'd like to see their reactions. It'll be priceless. I don't think they'll be surprised though... Maybe a little bit, at the fact that truly do look like I was born a male. We'll see.

*20 minutes later*

I'm running a bit late, but I finally make it to the cafe. I spot where my doods are sitting. Casually make my way over, pass them up, then return and sit down.

~A "brief" description of my two friends~

Ren Kaosuke -

Very tall, maybe like 6'4?

Dark brown hair

Looks like a pop-star

Pale turquoise eyes


17 years old


Wears a lot of dark blue

Has a job


Uses the fact that he makes money and we don't against us... lol

Parents are rich

Very confident and charming...


Kris -Beane- Kindstall -

Average height, for a guy, around 5'11

Not of Japanese origin -Maybe German?

16 years old

Blond, curly, medium length hair

Like me, doesn't have a job...


Cocky, funny, friendly ~Drama queen~

Always has a fedora on

Not the jealous type at all... (←Totally using sarcasm~ he gets jealous of people when they get asked out...)

Likes the color yellow

Is pretty stylish


I sit down and wait for them to react. Ren smiles. Kris just stares at me. "Ehh... Hold up, he looks familiar... I'll get it... It's-" "She- You idiot~ It's Kirigami."

*Kris is dumbfounded~*

I laugh, I knew it.

Ren looks at me, and smirks. "You fooled one of us..." "I knew I wouldn't fool you", I say. "Though, I was banking on Kris' reaction." Ren goes to say something but is interupted, when I get a tap on the shoulder.

I turn around in the booth, it's a guy... But not someone that I know... "Are you single?", he asks. It catches me off guard... "Hm. Ye~" He smirks. ~What's with all the smirking??~ "Want my number? We could have a coffee, sometime..." I laugh awkwardly. Ren interupts us, and says that I'm "a little bit busy, at the moment". He sighs and hands me a slip of paper. Taiko, he says as he walks away.

"Taiko?" I say. I'm unfamiliar with this term, so then is it his name? Ren smirks. I glare at him, "enough with the freaking smirking!!!" I say. He finds it humorous. Kris, who is still awestruck, even more so now, stares at me. "I am a guy", he says. "I have never been asked out before. N.E.V.E.R~~~ Now you, a female come along, looking like a guy, and a gay dude asks you out?!? What is this crappy logic, or luck, or whatever it is that the universe has bestowed upon me???" I laugh once more. Ren and I share a look. "Well, I guess you'll just have to become more handsome~" we say in unison.

Kris glares. He shifts his gaze at me.

Me: *Dead serious about what was just said* He then grabs his cup and sloshes its contents around, and takes a sip.

"No fair~"

"Life isn't fair", I say. Ren butts in, "Yeah, and it's not like it's her fault that she was born so attractive." For whatever reason, this makes Kris blush. He pulls his hat down over his eyes. I look at Ren. "Oh~ Sorry... Did that offend you?~", he asks in the most sarcastic voice possible. I just shrug.

Kris says that "I really do look like a guy, and that I could probably fool anyone". Ren agrees, his face says it all.

I get up to go order a coffee. While I'm at the counter, I see them scheming. "Oh God, what are they planning??" I ask myself. I grab my coffee and hand the cashier the money. Hesitantly, I make my way back. ~Oh God, here it comes...~

*Both smirking intently*

I sit down. "What? What do you guys want? What did you come up with? I'm not in the mood." Ren speaks up, "Well, what if you fooled everyone at my work??" "Hmmm? Come again...", I say. "Well..." Kris says. "What he means is, get a job at the restaurant he works at... If no one suspects you of being a girl-" Ren chimes in, "And~ Hmm hmm hmmmm~ And you get asked out three times, by the end if the year (which is 3 months away*), then we will *cough cough mostly me~* pool our money together, and buy you a flat... How's that sound?" I look at Kris, who's about to explode, and Ren, who's smirk will soon evolve into a species of it's own... "Alright, I guess so, I don't really have anything to lose, do I?..." "That's the spirit!!!", Ren shouts at me.

I put my, now empty, cup down, and stand up. Kris slides out if the booth, then Ren. We leave the cafe and walk down the road a bit. "We'll discuss this further later, ok?", I say to them. Ren agrees, and Kris smiles. I turn down the corner, and they wave. I give 'em a peace sign, with out looking, and continue on.

"Alright, so, I guess that I have to appeal to both genders now", I mumble. "Cool, this should be fun. When it's with them, it always is..."