First Card Dimension

Alex left the VR world. He began making preparations for his entry to the Card Dimension. The thing about the Card dimension was, he wasn't sure which shelter he would end up in. He would end up in one of the Earth's fifteen shelters, but he didn't know which one.

The habitat around each shelter was very different and connectivity between the shelters was almost impossible. Alex prepared a lot of dried food like nuts and also purchased one time use cards using the Card Frontier Shop. Even if he did not have any active cards of his own, he could still use these one time use cards in times of emergency.

Old Ren sighed. "I myself am in the Third Card Dimension, so I can't help you much. Be careful, alone you are vulnerable. The Card Dimension does not follow rule of law, the strong rule there. Keep your head low and try to work hard. I will also try to search the Knowledge Tower for information that could help you."

Alex nodded. Having prepared everything he needed, Alex left the Dojo. He took the maglev train leading to the closest portal that led into the Card Dimension.

At the portal station, he found that it was strictly maintained by soldiers from the army who were filled with a battle hardened aura.

Alex went to the counter to create an ID. Anyone who wanted to enter the Card Dimension had to create an identity card. After some thought, he decided not to add the surname Lune to his ID and simply registered as Alex, 18 years old, 100% Light Attribute, Type Blank.

His fingerprint and retina were scanned. After he was registered in the directory he was asked about his affiliations and declared himself to be a loose explorer. The person at the counter shook her head. "It is inadvisable, however we cannot force you. Stay safe in the Card Dimension."

Alex nodded. After registering, he took his bag and went past the portal. In front of his eyes, he found the world changing drastically, twisting through a vortex and then he appeared in a different world. The First Card Dimension.

Alex looked around. He had appeared inside a vast city. The city was made of a bizarre pumice like rock. The buildings looked ancient and unlike human designs. Alex was reminded of ancient european architecture, particularly from the Roman Empire back from his own Earth.

There were thousands of people around, carrying carcasses, or opened stalls. People were teaming up to go hunt. It was truly a medieval scene, technology didn't seem to work in this world. What shocked him the most was when he tried to sense the source energy using his inner world, he didn't find any at all. Instead, all the objects were brimming with various attribute based source energy.

Alex quietly walked around. He had done some research before coming, and knew the basics. After walking around and listening to others, he found that this was this shelter was called Highland Shelter.

He asked around for the loose explorer quarters and someone pointed him towards a run down alley in the city. Alex calmly walked into the alley and found an inn. He entered the inn amd found a grumpy bearded man on the counter.

"Newbie? Room is thousand units a night. Food costs are on the menu." The bearded man snorted.

Alex nodded. He handed 10,000 units and booked the inn for 10 days. He spent his time exploring the city and discovered that most of the best places were occupied by various organizations. He also looked around to find card fragments, but discovered that they were fairly expensive.

The way to make a living in the Card Dimension was to go out and hunt or scavenge and then trade it. Just outside the shelter was a dangerous world waiting to be explored.

Alex spent the first days acclimating to the city, learning the customs and the traditions. What to do amd whom to avoid. He also collected information about the neighborhood. He found a map marking some of the basic explored areas nearby, as well as the beasts.

The card dimension had all kinds of alien beasts, plants, and other kinds of living species. Killing them could provide fragments. Alex found a basic inventory about which beasts killed gave which fragments.

Highland Shelter's neighborhood had few known beasts of the light element. Alex found a suitable area about fifteen days of a trek from the shelter called light bay, There some insects existed which on being killed provided fragments of a Rank 1 Light attribute card.

Alex prepared his stuff and left on the trek, stick in hand. The moment he left the shelter, he followed the path on the map. However, about a mile from the shelter, Alex felt that he was being followed. Soon he saw some beetle like insects that were as large as a cat appear from corners of stones, surrounding him.

Alex could feel that they were not strong. He took out his stick and immediately a few beetles pounced on him. Alex used the stick to smash into the beetles, however their shells were incredibly hard.

Alex turned serious, these bugs weren't strong, but their defenses were hard! "No wonder, going without active cards is really dangerous even to walk a mile out of the shelter." He said.

However, he channeled his fighting instincts and began smashing the beetles up, killing them each while continuing to dodge their jumps at him from behind. In the end he killed the eight beetles that had decided to gang up on him, but had tired out from the encounter.

However at that moment he heard an announcement within his head. He was a little surprised, but not too much, because he had already read about this mystery of the Card Dimension.

[You killed 8 Ordinary Shiny Beetles. You obtained 1 Card Fragment - Iron Finger]

Alex sighed, it seemed like he obtained an iron attribute fragment. It was useless to him. As the fragment card appeared magically in his hand, Alex's base card suddenly changed form. It had turned into the striped three color form with the vortex image.

The vortex began moving within the card and the card fragment teleported into his body and was absorbed into the vortex inside the base card which began swallowing it. Then the fragment was completely digested. Alex didn't feel anything, but the entire event left him in shock.