Adventure House

A few days later, Alex returned to the Highland Shelter. He returned to the inn, paid for a night and went to sleep. The long trek had left him tired.

After a night of good sleep, Alex walked to the area of the shelter owned by Adventure House. Compared to the downtrodden looks of the loose explorer's area, this was remarkably better. The people here also seemed relatively older people,, but lively and energetic.

From.his understanding, a lot of the people who joined Adventure House at the lower Card Dimensions were folks from ordinary backgrounds who didn't get into the Academy Alliance and were thus a little older on average.

Alex explored the area, before finally arriving in front of the Adventure House. He finally decided to join the organization, now that he had a rank 1 card of the Light attribute.

As he ventured into the relatively grandiose building, he found a series of counters. He quickly found the registration counter of the Adventure House amd queued up. Surprisingly the number of people registering at this moment wasn't small.

As he was waiting, a man in front of him was chatting with a burly man in front of him. He looked to be about 20 or so, relatively younger than the age group in the adventure house.

"Haha, I am actually a student of City University, but I feel like staying in the academic alliance is too boring. I wanted to go to explore the Card Dimension with real men amd so chose the Adventure House." The young man said. He had blonde hair and a pretty boy face, which made him look like a noble looking for adventure.

The burly man looked at him and laughed along. "I didn't get to go to university myself, but I grew up on the streets. I am finally strong enough to join the Adventure House. It is good to meet a valiant figure like you on my first day!"

Alex patiently waited for the queue to end. The registration for the Adventure House was quite simple. One had to undergo a test to prove they were at least a Card Initiate, aka, had at least one rank 1 card. Then they also had to do a simple punch test to ensure they met minimal physical standards.

Soon it was the turn of the burly man to do the test. The receptionist was a man who had a sensory card that allowed him to verify that the registrant was at least an initiate. The burly man passed. Then he walked to the punching machine and punched.

"323 kg of force." The tester nodded and showed a thumbs up.

The burly man smiled. He was proud of his physical strength. He had been born with a strong body and it was a source of pride. He looked at the university student and showed off his result.

The university student was inwardly shocked. He had been bragging to the burly man just now, but now the man showed tremendous physical strength. He went ahead and proved that he was a card apprentice. Then he went to the punching machine and used his most powerful punch to slam it. It took all his effort.

"318 kg!" The tester nodded again. The young man felt a little embarrassed at being slightly less than the burly man, but then he saw that behind him was a younger man who looked extremely lean. Even if his muscles seemed well defined, he seemed to be barely 18 years or so, a newbie.

"Kid, are you sure you are eligible to join the Adventure House?" The man suddenly opened his mouth.

Alex, who had been minding his own business was dumbfounded. Why was this guy targeting him?

He ignored it and went to the counter to prove that he was a card initiate. However the burly man also chimed in.

"Boy, you barely look like you outgrew drinking milk. Adventure House accepts all, but they too have some minimum standards." He mocked.

Alex was truly dumbfounded. "Did I do something to you two? Or is it that you randomly like to provoke people?" He then was tested by the receptionist and proved he was a Card Initiate. He walked over to the punching machine.

The student from city university heard Alex's comment and laughed. He sneered. "Kid, this is the Card Dimension. The strong rule the weak. An idiot like you should do well to remember this rule, otherwise, who knows what will happen to you outside the shelter?"

Alex frowned, but he ignored the flatulence of these two idiots. He did not dare raise a ruckus unnecessarily here. He went to the punching machine and punched.

"4... 499 kg!" The tester was shocked. He had seen that the young man was only a card initiate and very young and lean. His physical strength was off the charts. The people in the queue who had seen the drama earlier began smirking.

The burly man amd the blonde student from city university were pale faced with embarrassment and shock. They had been lecturing this young man about the reality of strong praying on the weak, but the boy had quietly slapped their faces.

Alex ignored the two clowns and collected his new ID from the Adventure House. He quickly went to the trading counter, where he could sell the items from the expedition to the Adventure Guild for points.

He quickly took out many strips of dried meat from the primitive royal shiny beetles and meat from the flame talon as well as bright lizards and put them on the counter.

The woman on the counter was surprised. "You got a good haul." She said. "This is worth 87 points."

Alex nodded but added. "I have also acquired a special item, that I want to sell. Can you appraise it?"

The woman on the counter raised an eye, but nodded. "Yes, if you sell the special item to the Adventure House, we will give you a good price."

Alex nodded and took out the flower and put it on the counter. Immediately, several people looked at the flower. The flower looked extremely flashy and seemed to have not been seen before. It's petals seemed to have an almost illusionary effect that captivated onlookers.

"This..." The woman said. "Wait a moment." She ran inside and brought out a man with a white beard.