
Alex was stunned by the tea. And immediately knew, that this Grandma was definitely no ordinary figure.

Alex looked at the Grandma with a tinge of hesitation. "Grandma, this tea seems to be a very precious thing. I am thankful for one glass."

Grandma heard that and found this boy even more likeable. She had heard what Alex was a newbie who had just entered the card dimension and realized why he wasn't filled with fear when he saw her, but curiosity. His behavior hand made her give him a glass of her tea.

However, what shocked her was that he seemed to have 'that' attribute. The moment he drank the tea, she was stunned. She had never expected to see 'that' attribute again. Thus she decided to give him two more cups

"Don't worry child. The tea is just ordinary tea. It only feels special because of the way I brewed it." She smiled and brought two more cups. "Drink it."

Alex was shocked. But he calmed himself and drank the two cups. The energy burst into his body before being swallowed up by the energy attribute base card.

Once again, each cup created five dots or units of energy for upgrading the card. Unlike the lotus seeds, the power of this tea didn't diminish at all, it was simply a heavenly tonic.

With 10 units of stored energy, the power was channeled into his Rank 1 Energy Affinity card again upgrading it to Grade C. Alex could feel like his sight had become unreal. His ability to guide the source energy seemed to have tremendously improved and he could actually see and identify source energy fluctuation to a very degree as well as a larger range than before.

Grandma looked at Alex and nodded. He really had that attribute. How rare it was? The attribute was unknown to the world at large, and even herself in her long lasting life had seen only one other person with that attribute.

Alex looked at Grandma. "Grandma, you cannot be an ordinary person. I am sure of it. Just... how can you be in the First Card Dimension? After all, once someone manifests a rank 3 card..."

Grandma smiled. "I can indeed be considered famous. I was originally in the fourth card dimension, but I wasn't able to progress further due to a heart demon. So I sealed all my powers and came here, to the first card dimension, to live an ordinary life and vanquish my heart demon."

Alex was stunned speechless. This grandma might be a pinnacle expert! He did not know what to say and simply ruminate on what he had heard.

The grandma actually continued to smile. "However, after many decades, I have finally succeeded."

Alex was confused and dumbfounded. While the Ninja was shocked!

The Ninja finally spoke to the grandma. "Great Grandma! What do you mean?"

The Grandma smiled, but ignored the Ninja. She looked at Alex and spoke. "Thank you."

Alex didn't understand. "Grandma?"

The Grandma, the powerful person who had sealed herself up in the First Card Dimension to try and get rid of her Heart Demon, had a grin on her face.

Years and years ago, she had been always catching up on the heels of her husband. It had been her only goal, to become strong enough to help her one amd only love. However, when she finally caught up to him, when she could make herself useful, she actually failed and her husband was killed in front of her eyes. The desire to help her husband, which had been her strongest ally amd propeller towards rapid growth in strength had suddenly become a Heart Demon.

However, today a young kid unintentionally showed up at her door. He didn't know who she was, and he didn't even know that he and her husband had the same Base Card attribute. The Pure Energy Attribute. Today she saw the young form her that man within this child. She was able to help the child and her heart demon was dispelled.

Suddenly, a terrifying vortex appeared over the woman's body, funneling all the power into her body. Within seconds, the old grandma began turning younger until she turned into a beauty with green hair from the old white air.

"This... is the attribute of Life?" Alex muttered. Such power, he had absolutely never seen before. The strongest individual he had ever come across! "Not just life, there is another attribute I have never seen before." He whispered.

The grandma who had now turned into a young woman, exuding incredible power and an arrogant air surrounded her, flipped her hand open and the snow white ferret suddenly teleported into her hand. A terrifying crack opened up above her head and the woman began being absorbed into it.

She looked at Alex, agreeing with his analysis. "Good eyes. The other attribute is the attribute of Love."

Then she disappeared into the crack as all the energy in the area was sucked away and the crack disappeared as well.

The Ninja looked at the scene with a stunned expression and then turning their gaze towards Alex.

The Ninja spoke up. "You helped my great grandmother escape from her suffering. You have my gratitude."

Alex was stunned. One after the other dramatic scenes unfolded in front of him. "I did nothing." He genuinely answered. He did not understand why that powerhouse thanked him.

The Ninja had a heavy expression on. "You must have come to investigate the disappearance of Negima's group as well? I found some clues from great grandma, if you want we investigate together."

Alex was stunned, but he nodded. He didn't have any clues, if this Ninja new something, it would be beneficial for him to team up. He would also have the advantage of asking the ninja why the grandma thanked him and the thousands of questions within his mind.