Hey Purple Are You My Partner Or His? "Alright, I'll Play Along With Your Game."

Shao Cheng suspiciously eyes the man that currently laying on his bed like it was a normal thing for him to do while it took everything he has to not swear loudly when a rather dirty whistle was let out from Purple that has been floating between the two of them.

Usually, the purple dragon has been staying inside his body, but right now, he was out and annoying the heck out of him.

For once, Shao Cheng has never known that a purple dragon can manage to let out that disturbing sound just now.

Damn you Purple! Shao Cheng was quite sure that the purple dragon is having fun right now since he can see the mirth dancing on his purple eyes along with the swift movements of his tail which scarily appeared the same as a dog wagging its tails when it's happy.