Shao Cheng Felt Heavy And Stuffy That His Chest Felt So Heavy. "Big Brother Yu Yu... I Don't Feel Good."

Huang Ya…

With empty eyes, which is, fortunately, Ren Yuan has neglected to notice as the man was far more focuses on dealing with the maidservant that was shooting them nasty look for not helping stop the young girl fall.

Shao Cheng gaze upon the oh so young Huang Ya, his heart twisting in pain and agony because, in the end, he was unable to wholly forget everything that has happened no matter what because their betrayal will always be going to hunt him for the rest of his life.

The pain of their betrayal will never disappear so easily just like that.

Betrayed… Betrayed… How could they? Why? He has given his all, suffered for them, completely love and adored them, but why did they turn their back against him? Is he really that hard to love? Is he really that hard to trust? Don't they know about how much they meant so much to him?

Was Shao Cheng not worthy enough to be part of their life that they are able to easily throw him away?