"First Step Right? What Did They Call This Again... Ah Leap Of Faith?" Ren Yuan Breath Seemed To Have Been Taken Away.

"... Huh? It's morning already?"

Feeling the sunlight hitting his face, Shao Cheng tired eyes squinted while dazedly turning his head around to see that outside was already early in the morning causing him to become eerily silent for a few seconds before a deep sigh escape his lip.

Did he just think and immerses himself in negative emotions about his current problem the entire night?

This is not good… and here Shao Cheng speculated that he has finally stopped his bad habit of staying all night from worrying, thinking, planning and strategizing from especially hard circumstances that he found himself with.

It always leads him extremely tired and fatigued in the previous life and as he thinks about it now, Chang Pei and Huan Ya have only worried about his health when there was a time that he has fainted from overworking himself from before.