Shao Cheng Bad Side Has Stirred Up And Ren Yuan Brain Shutting Off.

"Here you go."

Shao Cheng places a slice of meat and grilled fish with wild vegies in front of a frenzied Shao Yan that practically vibrating from excitement before he glances over at the joyful Xixi that is eating the food he has cooked with a delightful face along with such ungraceful manner.

And then he couldn't help but returned his attention upon his older brother that seemed to be practically worshiping the long leaves that he has used as a plate to put the meat and fish with such a serious expression.

… was Shao Yan this weird the entire time? 

It was just something he has grilled over in the fire while using the spice that Jin Loo has taken over with him when they have been running away to hide from their enemies, really it is only such simple way of cooking so why are these people reacting this way?