Shao Cheng Another Day Of Interaction With His Family.

"Young Master Cheng, Madams has asked if you would like to have dinner with them tonight?"

Shao Cheng who has been sitting on top of his bed while having his eyes close didn't so much as make a twitch even after hearing the rather soft and gentle voice of a young woman standing outside his door.

"Young Master Cheng?"

After a silent moment of no one speaking, the young woman that has been waiting for even a reply back has lower her head down in disappointment while unable to hide the way that her voice seemed to feel a bit saddened when she has spoken.

"I see… I will inform the Madams that you won't be dining with them today."

No matter how the young woman acted pitifully, Shao Cheng has never deemed to give even a single shred of attention to the person called Mei, although he was acting extremely cold and indifferent toward her, it doesn't make him even feel an ounce of guilt and remorse.