Shao Cheng Constant Sighing And Soft Heart To A Certain Someone.

"Ahhh! Master! I miss you so much! It's so boring in here! That Monster Rabbit Chef doesn't even take me along when he goes out, leaving me all alone in here! He doesn't love me, Master, so please take me away~ Besides, you are here because of that right?"

In a quiet courtyard where numerous hidden guards were hiding in the dark and out of view, a slender figure in a snow-white robe was standing before a fluffy pink rabbit that has been rubbing his body underneath his feet while making an adorable sound.

Although it was all completely useless since the animal sound was simply being interpreted in the human language so the effect of making the silent figure feel soft is extremely futile. 

Eventually, Pinky has finally finish letting out his grievance from being ignored, disregard, and forgotten by the person that was supposed to take care of him, especially when his master has remained cold and heartless from his sorrows and adorable actions.