Shao Cheng Continue Brainwashing Regarding Ren Yuan, "Wait, Why Do I Feel An Ominous Emotion?"

"Come on, My Beautiful Cousin! Let's go! I'm sure you came here today because you needed my OUTSTANDING Ability! By the way, Is Your Brother Yuan coming with us later?"


Shao Cheng wanted to pinch his nose in frustration after Xixi has finally managed to calm down from her crazy frenzy before his eyelid twitches after hearing the distorted giggle coming out from her mouth after Ren Yuan was mentioned.

Maybe he should have considered in running away from Xixi when he went back to wondering outside later on? From the look of it, Shao Cheng keeping Xixi by his side will produce a bunch of troubles…

After those thoughts flash in Shao Cheng's mind, he couldn't help but quickly glance toward his Uncle only for his lip to twitch again when he found the older man has quickly look away before letting out a boisterous laugh while turning his head toward his daughter with a serious expression on his face.