A Good Wake Up Call For the Shao Family.

"I would have never mentioned this but you just have to state about my Brother Yuan not being good.."

While everyone showed a perplexed expression on their faces, Shao Cheng has finally closed the book he has been gently holding while placing his arms on the armchair and using his slender finger to softly tap upon the smooth wood.

"In District 22, 4th blocks in the west side. District 40, 5th in eleven blocks on the east side and 11th in the south area. District 63, 6th block in the west, 8th block in the north, and 2nd block in the south… every time I come back in the Capital, I always happen to see Shao Shan coming in and out on those places."

The whole time that Shao Cheng was speaking about the various places in the Chang Capital, he didn't miss the horror and fright that has quickly flashed in Zhang Lilu's eyes along with the paling of her face.