Shao Cheng Unexpected Situation. "This Amazing Purple Dragon Is Still A Baby..."

"Papa bug, hurry up! I have been waiting to show what I found! It's the perfect time to do it too since those evil guys are away."

After sending the messenger bird carrying a newly written letter, Shao Cheng was instantly annoyed by an extremely impatient Purple who has been eagerly wanting to show him what he found out before.

"Honestly, you have been becoming more arrogant human, even if you are my Papa Bug, it doesn't mean you can just ignore this majestic dragon! I still have my pride! What if refuse your request next time?"

"Then there is no need to cook food for my first bug son anymore while I'll also ban you from eating in my restaurant."

"Oh! Such a strong gust of wind has suddenly appeared! It's was so powerful that I was unable to hear what you just said! But there is no need to repeat it again since I'm sure it's nothing important! Hahaha!"


What a hypocrite bug son…