The Normal Daily Life Of The Common People

In the bustling street of the Chang Capital, the common people performed their usual daily tasks in either happy or sad moods.

The vendors had started making the snacks and food ready to be sold, acrobats were preparing for their outdoor performances, children were laughing and playing while their parents worked around them

This was the usual daily life of the people in the Chang Capital.

"Gah! S-Stop! Stop! Ren Yuan, don't be too much!"

Even the usual actions of the famous rascal beating down another pitiful, but sometimes not at all pitiful noble son of an aristocratic family were already a daily life happening around the Chang Capital.

Although most of the common people would run away as fast as a rabbit whenever the famous rascal would once again act up, it didn't change the fact that the crazy chaos was also one of their amusements in their daily life.