[Bonus chapter]"Can You Honestly Answer My Question?"

"Ah, that ruthlessness and cruelty... that spike of murderous intention… and the familiar beautiful indifferent sapphire eyes… you are definitely my Cheng!"

After the decision has been made, the transparent Ren Yuan completely ignores the relieved Lin Renshu to the side with his eyes burning fiercer than ever as he gazes at the young man figure.

And Shao Cheng who is receiving such fiery gazes from the transparent Ren Yuan couldn't help but reach over and tightly grasp the hand of the unconscious Ren Yuan in his arms.

Never did he consider that there would be another chance for him to experience the overwhelming passion and love of the person he had already considered gone forever.

"... Ah, I am really really really jealous of him… I have always imagined this happening to me… Every single night… I wish for you to gaze at me with such gentle and caring eyes… to treat me with kindness…"