
"Hahaha, young man, you are an excellent and talented martial artist! I can see you have an amazing future ahead of you. How about you follow this old man? I got lots of more tasty wine at home! You can drink to your heart's content as long as you just nod your head!"

MiBai quietly took a sip from the small wine cup while the old man happily patted his back.

After a few more times of exchanging attacks with each other, somehow the old man's attitude turned friendly instead of getting angry, before allowing them to travel with him with a happy smile on his face.

Although MiBai wanted to just travel by foot after being rejected and being stopped from taking the wine jar in the old cart, the noisy creature had once again insisted on traveling with the old man.

"MiBai, repeat after me, 'I'll think about it' then you obediently follow him back home."