
Max laid on the ground looking at the sky. His breathing was shallow, and he had begun to lose sensation all over his body.

'Sh*t.. I still needed to slice that fellow's head. I don't think he is totally out of breath as well…' He muttered inwardly while trying to move, but his body sure wasn't responding to him.


He was getting worried. If someone else came, and killed that fellow, what would the old man do?

Would he refuse to acknowledge it as his achievement?

There was a great chance that he would. After all, even Max was leeching off of the work of that Supreme. If not for that old man from Yule Family, he wouldn't even be able to do what he did. In that situation, it was entirely fair for Old Progenitor to refuse, if someone else took over from Max's position just like Max did from the Supreme.

'Goddamn move..' Max gathered all his willpower, and pushed himself to the limit before his fingers finally began to respond. But, it was only to that level.