Competition Ground, Ishtar.
A huge explosion erupted in the middle of the desert sending small grains of sand flying all into the air.
A storm had begun to rage in this once peaceful part of the desert as the intense fighting continued.
A strong wave of lightning rushed out across the desert in a small radius, and the next instant, a painful screech of a creature resonated.
Tia too took a leap, and immediately got out of the area of effect of the spell, and saved herself from the painful attack.
The student from West Gale on the other hand, immediately let out all his mana and strengthened his control of the Death Eater, and took full control of its movement.
This guy was actually a Beast Tamer. It was one of the rarest kind to find, and one of them had finally appeared after such a long while.
"Are you guys an idiot?" Melan on the other hand screamed at these two in anger. "Do you really think this is the right decision?"