
•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Location: unknown

A man in a uniform dazzled in metals signifying his high rank leaned over the shoulder of his junior. "Is this the one" he questioned "Yes sir" replied the man on the computer. He searched deeper into the profile "Sir are you sure it's safe to emit a newcomer?" ... silence fell as the man thought in his mind. "Don't worry so much Jay it's one boy how much damage can he do" the man then walked out of the private room and howled orders to his men. "Get me the boy right now if he's rowdy shake him up a bit" a unanimous yes sir sounded in the building.

Soldiers walked to the holding dock where a cell reinforced with steal locked by titanium sat. "Bring em out," said the commanding officer the others smirked as they pulled out a bloody and beaten teenager from the cell. Around his wrist were inch thick metal cuffs they snapped another pair on further weighing him down then kicked him to the floor "Add the 40-pound ankle cuffs" said one man as he passed them on "Good thinking wouldn't want the General to get attacked by this dog" said another in a joking tone

They brought out a loading cart and yelled at the boy beating him as they forced him to crawl like a worm onto the cart. There was no worse humiliation than this for him if only he had been stronger he wouldn't have lost to that dam general. The men pushed the cart as they slowly arrived back in front of the general.

The commanding officer spoke up "What business do you have with this scum sir?" there was no reply the general only turned to his trusted right-hand man. "Inspect his cuffs, everything must go according to plan" he whispered. Jay stepped forward and looked at the boy he struggled to keep his stern face as he kicked the boy in the gut assuring he would not struggle for the time being. He inspected the cuff all four pairs 'This is a bit overkill isn't it these bastards are just making generals plan harder to believe'. In this short amount of time, there were many thoughts among the men many jealous of Jay. They had all served well but the general only spoke to him how unfair this was. Even their commanding officer could get no reply.

There was much tension building up. Jay got nervous if it was found out he was weakening the cuff he'd be executed this was a high risk considering all the other men hated him. He was a new addition to the squad but the general took a liking to him. What could he say the man was strange.

On the other side of the room, the general watched his plan coming together but his unhinged dogs had made it less believable. They were untrustworthy, rating others out to save their own tail and they just had to cuff the boy 4 times if he were to break out his level would be viewed as B rank or above not to mention his skill was already looked down upon. Anyone knowing his quirk would assume he could be nothing but a murder in the future. The minute passed by like an hour as Jay finally stood up and saluted "All clear general cuffs are secure". As far as others were concerned Jay was powerless. His information said he had a memory type quirk that was good for nothing but studying but the general knew he really had a decomposing quirk he could age objects he touched significantly. As the general walked forward his footsteps reigned supreme in the room at this moment they boomed off the walls like a giant smacking the floor over and over. He smirked as he kicked the boy laying on the ground boom he flew into the wall at high speed. "That sure to wake him up" whispered a soldier he was right. The boy shakily stood up as the general clicked his tongue in disapproval "Deven Deven Deven what are we to do with you" he questioned. "Your murderous parent are finally out of the way but look what they left an offspring worse than them both you are destined to be a killer."

The general had hit all the right spots as the youth began to go into a rage he tugged and yanked at the heavy chains to no avail. The general mocked him "Is the doggy hungry" he said pulling out a paper bag that contained a chunk of premium raw beef. It was the best thing Deven had seen since the incident. He hadn't been out in ages he longed for the large slab of meat and the general saw that. He walked towards Deven, eyes burning with death as he held the plate of meat he commanded Deven. "Sit," he said in a firm voice. Deven hesitated but his hunger took over; it had been days since they last fed him.

The others watched on in shock they were witnessing a beast here. 'That monster there no doubt he will be a problem in the future' the onlookers were silent; they began to look away but the sounds followed them. Bite after bite Deven kept eating chomping down on the raw beef like a starved shark. The general was pleased he was able to feed the starved boy as well as give him power all while playing it off as a sick joke.

Deven finished the plate quick as ever and felt horrible he had been played. The general made him grovel like a dog eating out a dish on the floor. He couldn't stop himself, his father would be so disappointed as he thought words came to his mind. No, they were memories "Whatever you do remember not to let this power control you" he had been played for sure and there was nothing he could do. Devens's eyes teared up. The general took advantage of this "Awe poor boy did you finish your bowl too fast does the doggy want some more food" he said in a mocking voice. His men began to join in some joking around about how they would offer up their arm or leg.

Deven snapped he had been mocked and beaten broken down to his very soul he felt every insult enter his mind. Rage filled his eyes, his body hardened, the general smirked his transfusion had been successful here stood the first man to have 3 quirks. Long ago rare cases of kids developing both parents quirks appeared but 3 was a whole different level. The general laughed madly at his creation as his soldiers looked on in horror as the air around them was dense as if they were underwater breathing became hard. Deven had broken through his limits now an absolute beast he began ripping off-chain after chain they snapped and bent under the pressure. Finally free he released his full power the ground rumbled as huge knives fell from the sky and swords rose from the depths. Panic ensued in the squad this boy had gone mad if they didn't escape it would be their life's. All ran but the general who had Jay prep a helicopter and wait on the roof. He had one more task left with all other witnesses gone; he pulled out a wad of cash 10,000 USD to be exact. He then walked gracefully toward the now demonic-looking Deven and slapped him right across the face. Deven spat up blood as he came back to a much more normal state before him stood the general. Eye to eye they stood there. The general finally said "Well will you take it" Deven was still in shock as the general placed the cash in his hand "Geez didn't know it would be this hard to hand out free money" joked the general "You'll be on your way now boy, in the folder you'll find everything you need" he handed him a thick folder and walked away.

Deven wasn't sure what was going on. Was this all the generals' game why was he helping him? 'Snap out of it he gave you this now it's time to go' he said to himself. Deven looked around for an exit until he found one that read emergency height evacuation. 'Well exit is exit' he climbed the spiral stair that went floor after floor until he was at the top of the tower. There was a box inside that looked like a pulley not sure what to think he looked around. Then he saw it and everything clicked. They wanted him to zip line off the top of the tower he looked down; he had to be at least 6 floors up. Well, nothing better to do he looked around his area beside the base. The only thing anywhere near was a road that the zip line leads to. He locked his pulley onto the line and pushed off the building the area they had once been in now had giant knives sticking out of it. Deven struggled to keep his eyes open as he caught the eyes of the general in his helicopter. Seems they wanted to ensure his escape the general made a thumbs up at Jay and they flew away. "Lucky bastards leave me with the struggle," he said as he landed on the platform next to the road. Deven decided to hide here and look through the contents of the folder. Inside were papers which he couldn't be bothered to read right now and a pair of keys. He pressed the lock button and a car below him beeped in response not sure it was actually his he went down to the car. It looked like the general's car he could tell because it looked rather expensive. In the lot below there were only a few cars most of them were Camaro's as expected of the military. This one stood out though the brand was Ford but it looked like a supercar it's deep blue exterior looked especially sleek. When he opened the car door he found a note and read.

Hello, my friend,

I see that you have made it out in one piece congratulations this note is only here to tell you that there's a pair of clothes in the trunk I do hope you enjoy my Ford gt it cost me a pretty penny it yours now consider it a present for the kick earlier

Wishing you luck General Troy

Deven crumbled up the letter that guy really had everything planned, didn't he? Deven changed his clothes and hopped in the car. 'Not bad something I can actually wear and he gave me a watch with it too now I just look rich' though Deven. As soon as Deven started the car the twin-turbo v6 engine roared to life-giving Deven a chill down his spine such a luxury car was truly splendid. The car's GPS started up coordinates had already been set. 'Guess I'll just drive there the only problem is I don't have much experience driving'. Deven stepped on the gas and was propelled forward by all 650 horsepower he steadying himself from the shock then he took off down the highway.
