Betrayal and Separation

Times go so fast...

Crystal had been married to Nathan for one year. She had been pregnant for five months.

Due to her high-level energy, she had hidden her pregnancy at the reservoir Dragon area in her body.

The secret Dragon place was extremely secure for her baby.

It would protect him from any injury and poison, also he would gain more power from the triple cultivation practice.

She could feel that her heir Chi level was at an intermediate level, he would be born as an advance level.

He was blessed because both of his parents had an extremely powerful ancient royal blood.

Crystal didn't look pregnant, her figure didn't change.

Only her breast had gain weight.

She was in dilemma, she could not bear to leave Nathan.

He had been very gentle and warm toward her, and he should be rewarded with the best husband award.

He had never got mad at her even on his worst day. They had moved to a house residential nine months ago right after she complained about the stuffy hotel room.

Furthermore, he bought her a lot of expensive jewelry even when she never asked for it.

Since their marriage, he had never touched another woman as his promise.

Many women had tried to seduce him to no avail.

She was very proud of her husband.

Finally, his level increased to an intermediate emperor at twenty-six years old.

He only needed five more levels to complete to an immortality rank.

He had so many hidden secret skills ready to unravel.

She found out of his ancient dragon clan heritage.

His parents had died young at the hand of their enemy, their potent magical blood was dried out.

For that reason, he was so overprotective with Amara.

Amara lived like a prisoner in the countryside of the Wolfe castle. ( This is a secret castle, not even Crystal know the location).

Sasha accompanied Amara's as her private bodyguard.

No wonder she was fallen hard for him while Sasha only thinks of her as a kid.

Crystal's feeling for Nathan had grown each day and she was trying so hard not to love him.

Still, Crystal felt a heavyweight on her chest at the thought of leaving him.

She wanted to help him with triple practice until he reaches the immortality level.

Nathan could fly now and he could also teleport to another town.

He had taken her to so many beautiful places in the Cloud country.

When he knew of her loves for flower, he had taken her to the highest Cloud mountain to see the Serene flower that only blooms every two hundred years.

The smell of the Serene flower had upgrades the Yin level in her body to the emperor rank.

However, because of her pregnancy, she had only at an early level and stopped advancing after that.

Suspiciously, Crystal heard Nathan's voice in his office. He was talking to Sasha in secret. Two bodyguards are in front of the door, using her hypnotic power Crystal made them fall asleep. Later, she would make one of the guards to tamper with the camera after her eavesdropping session is over.

"Eventually, the war has to happen again" Sasha throws his opinion."

This time we have the biggest military power, we will win the war this time!"

(Nobody had won the war twenty years ago, both of the countries had lost much which end with the cold war. Lately, the mention of war was too often)

" We will train hard, and we will recruit more soldiers..., nobody can defeat us when we strengthen our power "

Nathan's ideas of war started to flow out.

Crystal got so shaken by the information.

With any measure, she would stop this war, she needed to go back to Wind country to build her military power to protect Wind country.

Using her hypnotic power, she was making one of the guards awake.

Then she took the handsome young guard to the security room.

She was planning furiously in order for Nathan to let her go.

Betrayal was the only way.

Nathan was looking for his wife.

Where could she be at?

He had checked the master bedroom, bathroom, the two guest rooms, and the storage room.

Which only left the security room to check.

Sasha was following behind him.

Nathan was thinking for the worst 'what if someone kidnapped her?

No please God.., he can't bear to lose her!'

-In front of the security room-

The door was locked so Nathan was using the master key.

He was so shocked to see the view in front of him. His wife and the new guard he just hired had laid naked on the small bed.

Crystal had covered her body with a thin blanket. The young guard had fallen asleep with a satisfying experience.

Nathan could smell that he had cum after sex. Nathan pulled the thin blanket from his wife's body with killing intent.

"Fuck..., Why?!! Noooo!! You fucking bitch..."

He had seen the trace of cum on her tight.

The murderous aura was in on the air.

Crystal was afraid of the bodyguard life.

The innocent young boy was not to blame for her evil plan.

She had used her hypnotic power to create an illusion for his lovemaking experience.

She didn't touch him.

But, she smeared his waste cum on her tight to make it look real.

The energy in the small security room was building high and Nathan had released his Chi power to kill the innocent guard.

Acting fast, Crystal was using her body to protect the young guard.

"Nooooo, don't kill him.., I love him!!" 

Nathan's heart breaks apart, he felt so much Chi power returned to attack him when he pulled back his murderous Chi energy and it was causing him a big injury.

He was coughing blood.

But he didn't care, he had died today.

Sasha supporting Nathan's weak body and help him risen up.

"Leave this place!!" Sasha cried out.

The dirty bitch was not fit as Nathan's wife.

Nathan had collapsed and fainted from his internal injury.

Crystal was concerned about him.

"This is the miracle injury drug that was only made once every a hundred years, please give this medicine to heal him, don't tell him it was from me" Crystal was worried that he would reject the drug if he knew.

Sasha was taking the drug from the dirty woman just because that was the only miracle drug that could heal Nathan's cultivation faster.

He did wonder how she could obtain this magical drug.

The ancient drug was extremely hard to obtain and it was not sold in the market.

Crystal had to wake the young guard that had no clue what's going on.

"Let's leave this place with me."

Under her hypnotic power, the guard nodded and left with her.

Crystal would take the young guard and trained him to be a special guard agent.

'Goodbye, my husband, I am sorry that I had to hurt you.' she thought to herself while looking at her husband's heartbreaking face.

Tears had flowed down her cheek.

She didn't know why her heart was hurting so bad. It felt like a thousand knives cutting it over and over.

She had finally known the answer.

She loves him.

She didn't want to leave.

She can't bear to be separated from him.

The idea of living without him was a death sentence itself.

But her burden was high, she needed to build up military power to protect herself, her clan, and the Wind country.

Also, revenge...., for revenge she was willing to break her heart.

Love couldn't help her to revenge her parent's death.

'I would be strong... My heir would help me go through the agony of this hell.

" Goodbye my love, welcome my revenge !"