The Implication of the Evil Plan

Today was the day of their evil plan. Alex Mu and Duke Remmy had their Dragon Blood drugs ready. These drugs would force any dragon clan male to gave out their seeds and for females, it would have an aphrodisiac effect. Alex Mu was looking at Nathan Wolfe entering the banquet room while holding hands with his wife.

He had invited them with the excuse to discuss further the future for their military arms trade.

Alex Mu and Nathan Wolfe had been business partners since six years ago.

Alex Mu was using his persuasion skill to make Nathan Wolfe agree to come with his wife.

Now was the time for celebration because the dragon heir would be in their hands soon.

The round table was set for six people, himself and Linda Mu, Nathan Wolfe and his wife and the special guest Duke Remmy and his mistress.

Alex Mu couldn't wait for the show.

Crystal was glancing around and found Duke Remmy sitting on the long fancy gold coach next to his mistress.

She was shocked.

Why was he here? Should she be worry? She smelled something fishy.... but she was no longer worry because they had reached an immortal rank, together they could fight Duke Remmy if he was try ing to do anything to harm them.

Nathan was starting at his wild wife. He regretted letting her wearing the sexy dress. Her body was wrapped in the emerald dress with a wide 'V' showing her sexy cleavage.

Even though the dress reached her ankle, the tight fit was leaving little to the imagination. He didn't like the other guest staring at his wife. He could see the strange guest licked his lips like a dog waiting for a bone when he was glancing at his wife's perfect body. His eyes started to stare at him with a killing intent.

Linda Mu came to dragged Nathan from his beloved wife side. He was hesitated to follow her but decided that he needed to clear up their relationship. They headed upstairs to her room. Nathan was looking at his lovely wife but she did not react.

He sighed heavily.

Maybe, she was not jealous because she didn't love him. He won't give up. He would make her love him.

Still wanted to test her, he would take his time talking to Linda, let see if she still won't showing any emotion.

Crystal was upset with the other woman, but since she was a little girl, she had been trained to have a poker face. Her face was never betrayed her emotions.

Duke Remmy approached her with two drinks.

"Hi beautiful, surprise?!! I have been looking for you!!!"

He shoved one drink to her hand and said, " Cheers!!"

His was smiling like a snake.

" Thanks, Duke Remmy, a surprise indeed!!!"

She had to get rid of this drink without his knowledge. She distrusted the evil serpent.

She got an idea to switch her drink with his mistress drink.

" Let me talk to your companion, Duke Remmy, she looks rather lonely!"

She left before he could response, she saw the snake approach the host, Alex Mu, who was busy ordering the servant.

"Hi, beautiful lady!" Crystal smiled with her hypnotic purple eyes.

" Exchange your wine glass with me", she commanded.

Hidden from Duke Remmy's view, they exchanged the wine glasses. Good thing the snake mistress wine was still full, so the snake would not realize her trickery.

She was worried about Nathan. She was getting nervous, she sensed evils was awaiting them around the corner.

Why there was nothing set on the dinner table? What was their plan?

I had to find Nathan now, something was not right. She was heading to the stair but Duke Remmy grabbed her by the arm.

" Where are you going? Our party will start soon.", he said while eyeing her half-empty drink.

Then suddenly the quiet mistress in the corner of the room attacked Duke Remmy.

Her eyes were crazed and she pushed Duke Remmy down the floor and bite his neck, drawing his blood.

"Help..." Duke Remmy couldn't fight her superpower strength because she was under the Dragon Blood influences, her strength was at the same level as an immortal rank beast.

Crystal Yin had switched the wine prepared for her. Dragon blood was poisonous for someone who was not from the dragon clan.

Alex Mu tried to help his friend but Duke Remmy Misstress pushed him away in a swoosh. He was falling heavily on the ground.

At the commotion, she ran through the stairs.

Finally, she found them when she heard the animal noises in front of the bedroom in the corner.

She was using her mental power to unlock the door.

Then she saw them.

Nathan with the wild look was pumping Linda from behind, while Linda enjoyed his Dragon rod ripping her apart.

Crystal knew right away that Nathan was drugged. She pulled Nathan away from Linda's dirty body. Nathan right away tried to hump her instead. Crystal was hugging him to calm him down and using her hypnotic purple eyes she seduced him. Linda tried to gripped Nathan, she hugged Nathan from behind.

"Give me your dragon seeds, Nathan!!"

They had been cultivating for half hour but when he spent on her cave no seeds was coming out. She was so confused.

Crystal knew Nathan will was so weak and it was easy to manipulate, so she commanded, " We need to go.., get rid of the bitch behind you.., lets teleport to our house..., I will let you eat me...." Crystal licked his ears and Nathan responded by pushing Linda and they teleported right away. Crystal could hear Linda's frustration cries before they escaped from the wicked place.

At the same moment, she also saw Duke Remmy and Alex Mu were running towards them to stop them from teleporting but to no avail.

- Master bedroom, Wolfe house -

Nathan had pumped his beast in all Crystal three chamber, but no seeds coming out.

That why his beast was still hard. They have been cultivating for five hours since they escaped. Nathan still grunted and humped hard and his eyes still was darkened with wicked desire.

Crystal moaned, " ahhh.., let it out darling...., ahhhhhh..."

She was hit with many orgasms but Nathan was still not healed. The dragon blood needed his seeds to regulate as the antidote. It would be one month in two days.

Ohhh... the idea of cultivating for two days was very challenging, she would use this chance to meditate and trained her newly immortal power. She had sent telepathy to Aaron and explained in short what happened and asked him to go to the Wolfe castle for his protection.

The evil people's plan was ruined. They would try to find another way...they needed to get ready to fight back.

" ohhhh...." her flower had been over-sensitive, every time Nathan beast stabbing her deep, she shivered really hard.

Using her Yin energy, Crystals was giving the energy she builded from her climaxes energy to flow inside Nathan dragon seeds chamber.

That way he would not injure himself during this cultivation session.

" Arghhh..." Nathan grunted like a wild animal when he came but still no seeds.

- Two days later -

Finally, after two days' duration Nathan's eyes turned normal, he handsome look was recovered while both of their bodies was sticky with sweat.

" Nathan... finally your new seeds are filling your chamber .... comes now, hubby.., ahhh...I have missed your seeds..."

Nathan then thrusted her very deeply.

" Arghhhh....."

A very strong climax came over him, it was fast but it was very relaxing..., finally his dark energy was pushed out from his body. Dark smokes came out from his back and he was finally free from the Dragon blood spell.

Crystal was hugging him hard.

"You are back...., ahhh..." his seeds had made her orgasm fiercely.

" Ohhhh..., your seeds power was getting stronger..., ohhhhh.., yessss"

Crystal finally could rest, she was falling asleep on top of Nathan six-pack chest.

While still confused, Nathan's was racking his brain for nothing, his memories were gone after drinking the wine Linda gave him. But he had an idea about what had happened.

"Dragon blood spell.."

He knew that his parents got killed after their enemy tricked them to drink the dragon blood spell. When they lose control the enemy strucked from behind.

They went to Wind country to bring peace offerings from cloud countries, but instead the dark emperor killed them and war happened between the two countries.

How did Linda get the dragon blood?

Dragon blood poisoned was made by mixing immortal dragon blood and Demon blood.

He had to investigate this issue, it seemed that the Mu family was the clue to find out about the traitor that caused his parent's death.

He looked down on his wild wife. Her body was so sticky with his sweat and her nectar fragrance.

How long had they been cultivating?

He was so glad that they could overcome the incident. However, he would destroy the Mu family and protected his dragon clan from the evil claw. He needed to get his soldiers ready. For some reason unknown he felt very energized even after the tiring cultivation process, while his wild wife had drain all her energy.

Nathan was unable to felt any energy from her body. He wondered why she was never practicing her pure Yin energy.

He needed to teach her cultivation method to help protect her if the evil people was trying to hurt her. He had to go to his military headquarters now.

The evildoers couldn't be left without punishment. Nathan sensed Aaron telepathy power, and he received it.

"Are you okay, daddy? The bad people hurt you???"

"I'm okay Aaron, come back home and take care your mom, daddy needed to go somewhere"

"Don't worry, daddy..., I'll protect her.."

Nathan pulled the blanket to covers his beautiful goddess and when he sensed Aaron home, he teleported himself to his secret headquarter.

"Times for revenge!"