The Dragon War ( The Last Chapter)

- The Wind Country -

The war of Dragon had been going on for a year. No one giving up on the fight. The Emperor had called Crystal Win to the palace. She was accompanied by her aunt Calista Win. However, inside the courtroom, Linda Mu was out from his hiding place followed by Duke Remmy.

"Catch the traitors!", order Linda Mu.

Four soldiers of Emperor ranks were splitting into two groups and holding both of them.

"No! We are no traitor!", protested Calista Win.

While Crystal had been waiting for the day Linda Mu attacked her because of her jealousy.

"The Emperor would not forgive you for this, even though you are his favorite concubine!"

"Ha..Ha..Ha.., the Emperor loves me and he had given me his edict..., to annihilate the Win clan in three days..., unless the Cloud emperor surrender and came her to apologize to our Emperor personally!!"

Crystal Win had never thought that the Emperor she had served with all her life by leaving her family behind had betrayed her clan.

"Crystal..., forget about this Win country..., go back to your family!!"

Then unexpectedly, Calista Win breakthroughs from the soldiers that were holding her and she defeated the two soldiers that were holding Crystal Win and she transferred all her life energy to let her teleported to the Win clan. The Win clan didn't have a teleportation ability but using her life as an exchange, Calista Win was able to teleport her niece to safety.

"Life well with your family my niece!! The Wind country no longer our country, from now on the Win clan pledged royalty to the Cloud country!"

That was Calista Win last telepathy message to all the royal clan in the Wind country.

Right away, Crystal Win took all her military power and headed to Cloud country. She was unable to use telepathy to Cloud country because she was still recovering from birthing her babies one year ago.

However, the evil Emperor soldiers were chasing after them. They fought hard and one by one soldier from both sides had died. Crystal Win was thinking that she won't see her family anymore..., she would die in this barren land...

But then she heard telepathy from Aaron, 'Mommy.., I got a telepathy Message from grandma..., where are you? Please answer me this time!"

It was one long year, Crystal had cut down communication and not answering his telepathy because she didn't want to be an accidental traitor by leaking news unintentionally.

She answered this time to say goodbye, " Baby..., mommy running from the real enemy right now...the Wind Emperor had betrayed our clan... Goodbye baby!!"

She locked the telepathy connection to concentrate on fighting back instead of running..., her soldiers need her spirit. Unable to use her power, she was just a regular human and she probably not gonna last long in the battle!!!"

Unexpectedly..., help come...

Nathan Wolfe was coming into her aids...

He received a telepathy message from Aaron and headed to the border right away with teleportation power.

"Crystal.., my love..., I have to take only you and sacrifice your soldiers..."

"Nooo..., Nathan, help them too!!!"

Nathan teleported both of them to the dragon castle and ordered Aaron, " Watch for your mother..., I am going to finish the war today!!"

Then, he was gone.

Bringing all his soldiers to the border from where he had camped for the last one year took three hours.., however, he wanted to attack the palace. Before, he didn't do that because his beloved wife was protecting the city. Now, with her out of the way, he had no worry to go all out on the evil emperor.

"Sasha..., let's finished the war today..., They lost half of the power by attacking their own people..., Crystal almost got killed...I won't forgive them..."

They regroup with Crystal Win soldiers..., only half of them still alive and getting help from his soldiers.., their morality went up high and together they defeat the Wind country soldiers.

"The Win clan pledged our loyalty to the Emperor of Cloud country!!!"

Nathan commanded, " Let's attack the evil Emperor!!!"

Following heed, Sasha was shouting, " Let's killed the evil emperor!!"

Then the soldiers shouting the same thing all the way to the Palace - it's was another 2 hours to get to the palace-.

The evil Emperor was a raging bull.

"You killed the elder of the Win clan?!", he snapped at Linda Wu and added, " How dare you forged my edict, stupid bitch!!! We are finished now!! All the clans that were connected to the Win clan had fought against me!!

Angrily, he pulled Linda Mu by the hair.., and even though she was her favorite but her mistake had cost him the throne...

The evil Emperor was sucking all her dark Yin energy...

"Emperor...I love you...Don't kill me...."

Duke Remmy was shaking next to her...

Then in an instant, she was dried of all her power and turn into dust...

Alex Mu was happened to enter the court entrance to report the riots outside within their own people...

But he saw Linda Mu turned into a speck of dust instead...

"You are the fake Emperor..., how come you are using the demonic Dragon clan power?"

"You Fake Emperor killed the only source of my power!!!"

The Emperor was looking at him with anger, " I know that the two of you had been fornicating my concubine...

"Since both of you know my secret...Die now!!!

As fast as light, the evil Emperor went to the closest person...

Duke Remmy turned into dust in a minute...

While Alex Mu was running away.

But just his luck...., he saw Nathan and Sasha entering the palace...

"Killed him for me, Sasha!!!"

Sasha was fighting with Alex Mu but since he had reached immortality rank... Alex Mu died in his a blink of an eye.

Nathan found the evil Emperor, his parents killer...

"Fight with me! Murderer!!"

"My pleasure!!", answered the evil emperor.

They were equal in chi power but Nathan was younger and more robust. After an hour, the evil emperor had dried all his energy.

Then Nathan saw an opening on his next area and using his hand as a sword..., he beheads the evil emperor.

Sasha cheered and ran toward him to give him a brotherly hug!!

" We did it, Nathan...We had revenge our clan.., we ruled the world now!!!"

Nathan smiled and said to Sasha, " From now on, you will be the Wind Emperor..., we make sure no war would ever happen again..., Sasha..., take care of everything here!!! I need to see my wife after one-year separation!!"

He winked at Sasha and left...

"Hey..., I missed my wife too... It had been one year for me too..."

-The Wolfe Castle-

Nighttime when Nathan got to see his family.

"Crystal..., I did it..., I killed our enemy!!!"

"Duke Remmy died? And Alex Mu and Linda Mu?"

"The Emperor killed Duke Remmy and Linda Mu.., they turned into dust!! Sasha killed Alex Mu!! I missed you, my wife!! I am glad both of us alive and no longer enemy!!"

"I'm sorry for ever leaving you, my husband!!"

Both of them were hugging passionately.

Aaron Wolfe was smiling while carrying his baby sister, Jade. While Tristan already walking next to him, holding his hand.

Amara was watching her tripled sleeping undisturbed. She smiled merrily.

The Dragon clan would prosper again and they would rule the world.

- The End -