Chapter 22

James chuckled slightly even though he was fighting back tears also. "Right there is why you get stalked by Omegas."

I laughed slightly before groaning. "Well, now that my looks are gone, I've got to keep my words sharp."

"What about Anna?" Ross asked after a long pause. We all look to him and curiosity. "She said that her mate is a nurse. Maybe she can help."

Jane tried to get up but I squeezed her hand, "don't go out there looking like that. It may cause more attacks." I looked at her sadly, "you need to focus on your pheromones. They're getting stronger the more upset you get."

James stood and left the room as we all sat in silence. As James rushed back into the room, Anna followed him with her phone at her ear. We all listened as she talked to her mate before hanging up the phone.

"She's on her way," Anna whispered as she looked to the ground. I knew she looked to me from the corner of her eye but I knew she could not look at me fully without crying. Anna look to James and Ross, "she wanted to know if we have any medical supplies. A first aid kit maybe."

Ross nodded before rushing to the other side of the room and bringing a box with him. Anna grabbed a chair from nearby and brought it beside me. She sat as she looked through the box and occasionly look to me.

"What happened?"

"Will protected me from a group of Betas." I heard Anna try to gulp down some of her emotions as she nodded.

"I'm getting tired," I whispered and they all look to me and fear.

"Don't sleep," Anna insisted as our voice trembled.

I fought myself and my exhaustion as I watched Anna began covering my wounds. But it was of no use. Within a few minutes, I quickly open my eyes to see my bedroom and grabs my head as it felt like it was going to explode.

"Hey they're sleeping beauty," Asher said with a smirk as I looked up to my side to see him sitting up in the bed.

I looked around the room as I tried to focus on waking up fully. "What time is it?"

"It's about 8 o'clock,"he replied as I sighed.

"Can't I be left alone already? It's been 8 days. I'm fine now, you both don't need to watch me anymore."

"No can do," he chuckled back, "Until we sort this thing out, you're stuck with us."

"Us? Is Hunter here too?"

He nodded, "he just got in the shower."

I gave him a smile and felt his body stiffened slightly. I turned over so that our bodies touched and I wrapped my legs around his closest to me. He seemed to hold his breath in anticipation and confusion. I locked eyes with him as my smile turned wicked and my hand slid under the sheets.

He shivered slightly as I caressed the bulge in his boxers. His eyes looked to me like a wild animal about to attack his prey.

"Someone's eager this morning," he whispered with a smirk.

I licked my lips before aggressively rubbing him, "He just got in the shower?"

Asher smirked even further, "not even two minutes ago."

I squeezed him as he held his breath slightly. "Then we have more than enough time," I whispered before I slid down further on the bed and under the sheets. Luckily, the sheets were thin enough that I had enough sunlight to navigate myself.

As I moved closer, I made quick work of pulling him out through the slit in his underwear.

"You don't have to," he whispered and I smirked even though he could not see my face anymore. I blew towards his member slightly at his body shivered and I let out a quiet laugh.

"You don't want me to?"

"I never said that."

I fought back my body from trembling with excitement. "We're going to have to make it quick," I whispered before taking his entire member in my mouth.

To my displeasure, I did not have time to do much. I made sure to wet him enough for a quick job.

Asher lifted up the sheet slightly so that our eyes met. "Get up here," he insisted and I quickly did so as I slid my underwear to my knees.

As I got my head out from under the sheet, he let got of them and guided by body on top of his. His hands quickly moved down and fumbled to get us connected.

Before could begin moving, he bent his knees and planted his feet on the bed. He began aggressively moving in and out of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing it. I bit him slightly but then trembled as I felt him grow.

I began licking and sucking the imprint as his motions became faster and more aggressive. "Can I?" He whispered directly into my ear but I did not respond verbally. I did not respond verbally, rather I began kissing him. One of his hands went to my member and began ravaging it. As I felt him release, I followed quickly with a groan.

We both froze as we heard the water turn off in the bathroom. I quickly separated us, pulled on my underwear, and stood up. Asher look to me in surprise as I began dressing.

I scrambled to put on a pair of jeans and smiled to Hunter as he came out of the bathroom.

"Finally up I see," he commented with a smirk.

"Don't you have to get to work?"

Hunter smirked further, "you're not getting away from me just because I have to work."

Asher chuckled as he made sure to stay under the covers while indiscreetly getting himself cleaned up and put together.

"Asher is going to take the day shaft and I'll take the night shift."

"Well can I at least get out of this apartment?"

"I don't know if that safe," Hunter replied as he came over to me.

"Come on Hunt, I'm dying here. I'm a socialite and being cooped up is not my thing." I look to my phone as it vibrated beside me on the dresser.

"Are you still texting that omega?" Asher hissed as I smirked.

"As if I only keep to one person at a time."

Hunter scowled as I pulled on a shirt before giving him my award-winning smile. "It was my old coworker. He wants me to stop by today." "The ones at the host club?" I nodded as I began pulling on some socks. "Fine, but Asher has to go with you."

I pouted as I look to Hunter with annoyance, 'so I need a chaperone just to meet my friends?"

"Consider it a date," Asher stated as he finally got out from under the sheets.

Before Hunter could stop me, I rushed to light a cigarette and put it in my mouth. Hunter tried to take it from me but I immediately turned so that he missed.

"I told you to stop that bad habit."

"Sorry honey," I said with a slight chuckle, "no can do."

He stared me down, "Don't you dare me that omega," Hunter warned.

I smoked again, "cross my heart. Now you should get to work or you will be late."

After getting ready, Hunter left for the day. While I made coffee, I heard Asher start the shower so I took my chance. I went to the couch and hit his phone number.

"Finally!" Cam yelled as I moved the phone away from me slightly to protect my ear drum.

"Sorry," I said as I leaned my head back, "I'm being guarded at all times. This is the first time I got to talk without them freaking out."

He groaned, "I promised I won't do anything so why can't we see each other?"

I closed my eyes but made sure too keep listening for Asher, "After what you did, are you that surprised?"

"You're not their mate so why is it their buisness?"

"They're my family, Cam."

He paused, "are you sleeping with them?"

I was taken aback by how direct he was, "yeah."

I could hear him take a deep breath, "they can do you but you can't do me? What the hell?!"

"Cam, please try to understand. They only do it to keep me sane. I'm getting worse by the day."

"But I can help you too! You know I'd keep you satisfied. I'd let you do me you till your dick fell off."

I laughed but knew I had to change the subject before he got more upset. "How have you been? Have you gone back to work?"

He sighed again, "I had to but everyone has pointed out that I'm not really as into it as I used to be. They all know why but won't say it."

"Its better if they dont."

"They keep asking about you."

I froze, "you told them we were back in contact?"

"Of course not!" He assured me as I tried to calm down. "Everyone asks everyone to see if they have heard anything. I'm keeping my mouth shut. I don't want the rest to know, you should know that by now."

"I know, I'm just worried. I trust you."

He paused, "I love you."

I squeezed my eyes closed, "I do too."

"Could we meet up today? Just for a little bit? I promise not to do anything! I just want to see you."

I opened my eyes as I focused on Asher. Luckily the water was still running. "I can try to get away for a bit."

I heard him fight back a cheer of excitement, "okay, let's meet at the park in town by the coffee shop."

"I have no idea when I can come though."

"Its okay. I will wait."

I heard the water turn off, "shit, gotta go." I hung up and put the phone in my pocket before going back to the kitchen. I began drinking my coffee as he came out in a towel with wet hair.