Chapter 58

He pulled me into him so that I leaned on his side. His other hand pulled out his phone and began working.

I opened my phone and pulled up my photos. I went back to the few from when I was pregnant with the twins and stopped at their sonograms. I slowly went through the photos, reminiscing of their early lives.

We both looked up when the doctor came into the room. He gave me a giant smile that sent me to my feet. "Its a perfect match."

I collapsed to the floor as I began crying, "thank God!" I looked up to the doctor, "so Hunter will be okay, right?"

His smile lessened, "it is likely, but not guaranteed. This is the best shot he has and has a high success rate."

I wiped my face and smiled to him, "it will work. I know it. Hunter is too stubborn to die."

Dr. Shaw laughed before aiding me to my feet, "I will can Shannon to tell them the good news."

"Thank you so much, doc."

He patted my shoulder, "you are truly a dedicated friend, Will. Hunter is lucky to have you."

I chuckled, "I'm the lucky one, sir. Thank you for helping him."

The doctor nodded, "well let's get you two out of here." Jayden and I followed the doctor out to the waiting area before we went separate ways.

As we got out of the waiting area, Jayden paused so I stopped too. "We have over an hour before we see the other doctor. Is there somewhere we could go to eat and let you rest?"

I nodded, "there's a cafe down the street."

He smiled before pecking my cheek gently, "lead the way."

I led Jayden out of the building and down the street. He took my hand in his and I gave him a sour look, "I just don't want to get lost." He said with a cheeky smile.

I walked to the cafe with Jayden directly behind me. As we came inside, I saw every person look to Jayden as his presence was felt. I was then given looks of anger and rage as my hand tainting his. I rushed over to a booth and sat down. I noticed Jayden eyeing the side of the booth I was on, so I quickly laid my feet across it so he could not be at my side. He reluctantly sat across from me and began looking at a menu. I laid back on the wall behind me and closed my eyes.

"Will?" I looked out of the booth saw the excited face of Luke looking to me, "I knew it was you!"

"Luke?" I asked as I sat up and he smiled happily.

"Where have you been?! Its been like six years since we saw you!"

I looked to Jayden through the corner of my eye and saw the confusion on his face. "I will be right back." I said before sliding out of the booth.

Luke grabbed my hand and rushed me across the cafe. Pete's surprised face met me as I smiled. He stood and quickly embraced me, "it really is you." I hugged him gently but jumped slightly when he suddenly cupped either side of my ass in his hands. "We've missed you."

Luke pulled me out of Pete's grasp and wrapped his arms around my neck. He leaned against me and aggressively slipped his tongue into my mouth. He let out a moan as he shivered.

"Get off of him."

Luke suddenly collapsed to the ground as Alpha's pheromones flooded the space. I looked beside me to see Jayden rushing over to us. I quickly moved toward him, but was stopped when Pete grabbed my arm.

"Who the hell is this Alpha?" He insisted as he did his best to stay strong against a stronger Alpha.

"My partner," I replied before pushing him off.

Jayden pulled me against him and wrapped his arm around my back. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Touching MY destined partner!"

"They're just friends," I insisted as I looked to Luke's terrified, flushed face. "They were just joking." I looked back to Jayden, "please, control your pheromones. You are affecting everyone."

He squeezed me to him so that my face was buried in his chest, "get out of my sight or I will tear you to shreds."

Even I was startled when Jayden picked me up and brought me to the bathroom of the cafe. He locked the door to the entire bathroom before setting me on the long sink counter. I shivered as he grabbed my ass and began kneading it. I tried to look to him, but the moment my head moved to face him, he bit my lips. I shuddered as his pheromones grew even more.

"Jay..." was all I could get out before his tongue was violently ravaging my mouth. My body craved more and my mind was silenced. I wrapped my legs and arms around him to pull him completely against me. He continued caressing and rubbing my ass as I trembled with pleasure. I began sucking on his tongue, which caused him to become more aroused.

I cried out as his finger snuck from groping me to rubbing my hole. I pulled our mouthes apart as I gasped and shook violently.

"Are you trying to drive me mad?!" He demanded before pulling my chin up so that I looked to him. "Letting others touch you right in front of me?!" His hand slid into the back of my pants and he began fingering me as I was already wet.

I started panting as my body began grinding against his bulge. I licked my lips as I looked directly into his eyes. "They are nothing to me now. I just need you."

He gained a confident smile as he looked to me wickedly. "Tell me what you want," he leaned in and nipped my ear.

I shivered and felt weak to my body's needs. I grabbed his shirt in my hands as I began rubbing against him more, "fuck me." I begged before moaning, "shove it in me until we both cum."

He picked me up so that my feet touched the ground. He undid my pants before pulling them and my underwear off of me. He undid his pants and pulled out his member while watching me shiver. He hoisted one of my legs up and pushed his member into my ass. I trembled as I came and he began moving me up and down. I gasped slightly with each thrust as I clung to him.

"Right there," I whispered as my hips began moving with his thrusts.

"No one else can touch you. You are mine alone." He hoisted my other leg up and put his elbows under my knees.

I gasped slightly as he spread my legs apart more so that he touch deeper inside me. I began crying out quietly as he moved me up and down the length of his member. I looked to his eyes and saw how hungry he looked. He stared at my mouth and I knew what he wanted.

I pulled closer to him and kissed his lips gently. He licked mine as they opened and he began sucking on them. I trembled more, "I'm gonna cum," I said through our kisses.

He growled lightly before biting my lip, "tighten up so we can cum together."

I focused on squeezing my muscles tighter as he pumped into me harder and quicker. He grunted as I moaned and we both came. I limply fell into him as I breathed hard. He gingerly helped me stand before kissing me gently. He aided me in getting dressed as I still shook.

"I don't want to eat here. Can you grab something to go and we eat it at the hospital?"

Jayden looked to me with some regret. "Yeah."

"I need to clean up so I will meet you out there." He nodded before leaving me. He left the main door unlocked as I went into a stall and leaned on the cement wall. I saw that I was still hard and sighed deeply.

Just go away. I didn't want to get screwed by that damn Alpha so this should be over.

After a few moments, I realized this was not going away. I reluctantly began stroking myself but nothing was happening. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on finishing this, but was unsuccessful still. I spit into my hand and began stroking it again and kept my eyes tightly shut.

I suddenly remembered one of my most treasured moments. Asher replying that he loves me before suddenly sucking on me. I felt my body tremble violently. As the image of Asher played in my mind, I copied his motions of sliding his finger into my ass. Just like back then, my hips began moving along with my fingers. I added a finger just like he did as I continued stroking myself and bit my lip. I remembered him marking the inside of my thigh before ramming into me. I came as I saw his face in my mind before I opened my eyes and realized he wasn't mine anymore. I began crying as I wished he was the one, but knew it was not reality.

I can't be selfish anymore. He can never be mine and I can't keep leading him on. Even if I want to keep the only connection I have to him, it's time to let it go.

I finally cleaned myself up before leaving the bathroom. I went over to Jayden, who had a large brown bag in his hand. I did not fight him as he took my hand in his free one and my heart tore. I absent mindedly followed him down the street to the hospital.

When we entered, I directed him to a somewhat secluded area so that we could eat. I sat beside him and quietly ate.

"I will work on my pheromone control. In normal circumstances, I have no problems controlling them. But the moment you are involved, my control goes out the window."

I looked over to him and felt nothing. My body was becoming numb with sadness. "That would be good."

He touched my cheek gently, "are you okay? You're acting weird."

I moved away from his touch with a small smile, "I'm okay, just tired."

I leaned further into the couch as I took out my phone. I pulled up the photo I saw earlier. I handed the phone to Jayden as he looked to me with surprise.