Chapter 72

"Is that what you think too?" Jayden asked as I could feel him beginning to tremble with anger.

I quickly pulled the ring out from behind my shirt and looked at him with annoyance. "I gave him back his ring and wear the one you gave me. How much more can I show that I chose you?"

We both paused when Dr.Tregard came in with a nurse and a small cart holding a machine. "All right," the doctor began. "Let's see how fast the baby's heart rate is."

We both sat quietly and observed as the nurse put two straps around my stomach. She then connected the straps to cords that went into a small machine. A paper began printing that had the heart rate on it. Suddenly, Jayden and I both froze as we heard Addie's heartbeat; it was so much stronger than last time. The doctor began reading the chart as tears welled in my eyes and Jayden squeezed my hand.

"It's a tad fast," the doctor stated before looking to me with a slight smile. "Nothing concerning, though. But your rate earlier was very worrying," she said as her smile faded slightly. "I have heard that you have a lot going on right now but you need to focus on keeping calm. If your heart rate keeps spiking, it could hurt the baby and you. But the baby's heart does sound strong, so that is good news. I want to see you back in a week to check your heart rate and the baby's heart rate again."

The nurse took the straps off before the doctor gave us a large smile and they both left with a shut of the door.

I looked over to Jayden to see him wiping his face of tears. "I think that is the most amazing thing I've ever heard." He chuckled slightly, "I never knew I could love someone I've never met so much."

I smiled kindly towards him, "children are truly amazing." I looked to my lap before looking backup to him as my smile disappeared. "I'm sorry."

Jayden tilted his head to the side slightly, "what are you sorry about?"

I looked back to my lap, "I should have told you about the twins and let you be involved if you wanted to in their first 5 years. I was being selfish," I whispered as I saw sympathy in his eyes. "But I only know that now when I look back. You've got to understand that, at that time, I thought I was doing the right thing for everyone. We were both still young and we had not known each other for more than a few days. And you're an Alpha of all things. I have been destroyed mentally and physically by Alphas since my teenage years, so I immediately did not trust you. I was also deeply in love with someone that I could never be with. It was not the right decision, but I felt my only choice was to run away."

"You're right," Jayden says and I paused.


"I did the unthinkable to you and blamed it on our bond. I was also nowhere near ready to be a father 5 years ago. And with our dynamic, the kids would have had to go through a lot more and may have not turned out as amazing as they are. I am still in awe that you were able to raise such amazing children on your own. Although it hasn't been for long, I got a glimpse into how people treat you, just because your gender. I'm starting to understand why you are so afraid of everyone. Society treats you like a monster when I had no idea it was happening."

I gave him a smirk as I fought back tears. "You're still loopy from the drugs aren't you?"

Jayden laughed, "just a little bit." Jayden tugged on my hands lightly and I looked at him with curiosity. "You promised," he said with a smirk.

I gave a giant sigh, "you just got out of the treatment and you're already thinking about that?"

He chuckled, "I promise I won't do anything yet. Just come lay down with me."

I slowly got up and came over towards his bed. He shifted over as far as he could to the other side, giving me enough room to sit down beside him. His arms wrapped around my waist as he leaned his head against mine.

Jayden let out a deep sigh as his body loosened, but his grip did not lessen. "I've missed you," he whispered, which made my entire body shiver. "I struggled to get any work done while we were apart because all I could think about was you and the kids. Honestly, ever since we met, whenever my mind would wonder, it would immediately go to you." Jayden chuckled slightly but it did not seem out of happiness, rather to somewhat lessen his stress. "You did an amazing job hiding for 6 years. I had everyone and anyone looking for you and, amazingly, Elijah found you first."

I put my hand on his and sighed, "I've always had jobs that involved people with a lot of influence or power. A few of them offered to help and that was the only way it was possible. Elijah and I met by coincidence. It took him two years to even realize who I was."

"Did he ever inform you of our relation to each other?"

I shook my head slightly, "I knew nothing about how you two were related until we stumbled into each other at that party."

Jayden cleared his throat slightly, "I thought I was going crazy when my mother realized who you were. I was so desperate to find you and then, to see you leave with Elijah, was beyond painful."

I sighed, "I still have not forgiven him for that. Catching me off guard like that, just to make you upset, is honestly unforgivable."

"That's partly why I don't want you to live with him anymore. He's pretty much using you as a tool to make me miserable. He knows how long I've looked for you and how badly I wanted you. He's just making sure that I don't have what I need and love. He's doing it out of spite and affecting everyone's lives. He knew when he set this up that, other than our kids, you are the one thing I want and need in this world." He turned his head towards mine and lightly kissed the top of my jaw. "I love you, Will." He whispered before kissing me lightly again, "I want you as my mate....forever."

I gave him an annoyed look as he knew I did not want this to move that quickly. He ignored my gaze and began kissing my cheek with a bit more passion. I was startled when Jayden suddenly grabbed my waist and moved my body so that I was sitting in between his legs with my back against his chest.

"You just came out of the procedure, Jay."

He kissed the back of my neck, directly in the center of the mark he made. I shuddered and then felt weak as his pheromones flooded out. He continued kissing my neck all over and I froze when his hands began sliding up my shirt.

I couldn't hold it in anymore; my pheromones broke down my barriers and overflowed. I moaned as I leaned back into him as I lost my strength. Jayden's hands caressed every inch of my body. I became nearly fixated on his movements as Jayden began licking and sucking on the back of my neck. His hands then undid my belt and pants before one went under all of my clothes.


He began stroking me as I panted and groaned with each movement. I cried out as he bit the mark on my neck and came in his hand. He made a grunt as I felt him grind his bulge on the ass of my pants. One hand stayed on my member to continue stroking it and the other slid down the back of my pants, under everything. I whimpered in anticipation as his fingers began rubbing and lightly thrusting in me.

I turned my head around to yell at him, but all that came out was a loud moan. He immediately began kissing me deeply as his fingers began moving deeper and faster. His kissing sped up at the same rate as his fingers.

He slipped his fingers out before pulling down my pants. I instinctively pulled my pants and underwear off completely, throwing them off to the side of the bed. Jayden pulled up my shirt and I instinctively put up my arms. He threw my shirt off the bed before I saw his hospital gown follow.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered into my ear and my body began shaking with anticipation.