Chapter 2.15

"I've got that covered." Jayden stated as he appeared at my side. "I'll make sure Will is set for the night. If you can take care of the kids, that would be a big help. Also," he winked at me, "make sure the two teenage lovebirds keep it PG-13."

Cora chuckled, "got it, boss."

I gasped as Jayden suddenly picked me up and carried me into the house. My entire body trembled as I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck. "Just hold on a few more minutes."

I groaned, "hurry."

I was relieved when Jayden got me into the bedroom and locked the door. He rushed me to the bed and I began panting while sweating. Jayden rushed to get my shirt and pants off before pulling off his shirt.

My pheromones exploded as I cried out in pain and arousal. "Help me, Jay. I can't move."

He looked to me with guilt as he shook from my pheromones. His pheromones rose, but not as much as mine, since he used so much earlier.

Jayden straddled above me and caressed my cheekbone with his fingers before touching my lips. I fought not to cum from such a small thing. Jayden leaned down and kissed my lips.

"More, Jay!"

He growled with excitement as he pulled away slightly, "show me your tongue," he whispered and I quickly opened my mouth. I began drooling and panting in anticipation of his movements. Jayden quickly joined our mouths and our tongues. He began nipping and sucking on my tongue as I squirmed in excitement. His hand snuck onto my chest and squeezed my nipple.

I cried out as I came and trembled as Jayden let out a chuckle, "if you're this turned on, I'm surprised you lasted the entire drive."

I frowned to him, "shut up and kiss me."

He began kissing me agressively but I jumped slightly as he suddenly rubbed his hand on the bulge in my underwear and I moaned. Jayden's hand began lightly stroking my bulge as his mouth left mine and went to my chest. He kissed a bite mark from this morning and licked it gently. I shivered with a small moan that I let out repeatedly as he moved to each bite mark and licked it. His hand pressed down slightly more than before and I gasped as I came.

"Jay!" I begged and he quickly pulled out my member. He began stroking me as I panted and cried out. I came again and felt my head begin to focus only on lust. Jayden put his hand back on my member as I groaned, "yours."

Jayden paused and looked to me with confusion, "what?"

I licked my lips as I locked eyes with him, "I need yours. Inside me."

"But the doctor..."

I began crying and he rushed to wipe my tears away. "I can't wait! I'm dying! God, Jay! Fuck me! I want yours!"

"It could hurt you."

I shivered, "I'm already in pain! I've been waiting for hours! Please, Jayden, fuck me! I want you so bad, I feel like I'm losing my mind!"

He stroked my cheek before lifting my waist slightly and sliding a pillow under me. He pulled off my underwear along with his pants and underwear.

I saw his member and trembled with anticipation. He looked to me with lust and slowly slid into my ass. I cried as I came and panted as he watched me shiver. "I'll go slow."

I growled slightly, which surprised him, "no, screw me hard! Until I pass out, fill me with your cum!"

He leaned against me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He began thrusting his hips as quickly as he could. I covered my mouth as I screamed and cried in ecstasy. Jayden let go slightly as he looked to me, "let me hear you, my love. Show me how good I make you feel."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and matched him movements with my hips. I cried out and moaned with every thrust as Jayden began kissing my neck and chest. I came again with a gasp and Jayden stopped moving.

"More," I begged and he quickly sat up on his knees. He took my waist in his hands and began moving again. I put my hands over his and he intertwined our fingers. I jumped slightly as I squeezed his hands. That feminine Omega voice I hate so much came out in a cry that caused both of us to pause. My face turned red and I quickly let go of his hands. "Let's stop," I whispered before using my hands to sit up.

He grabbed my elbows and I froze, "it's okay." I felt my eyes welling with tears. He began moving again, aiming for that spot and making me cry out as he let go of my arms. I closed my eyes and, when I opened them again, my heart stopped.

Jayden's eyes welled with tears and he looked desperate. Jayden leaned down and began kissing the marks he left on me earlier. "I can't forgive myself. I feel like a moster."

I moaned as he moved, but had slowed down and was focusing on grinding against me. "Jay..."

"I hurt you when I knew you would never betray me." I heard him sniffle and felt tears dripping onto my chest as he continued gently kissing every mark. "But when my friend texted me, after seeing you at the cafe with that woman, I became anxious. Then that bitch kissed you instincts just took over. I never wanted to do anything other than talk to you, but I could only think about reaffirming that you are mine."

I cried out as I came again and Jayden lifted me off the bed. He sat on the bed and placed me in his lap. As he separated us, I grabbed his member and shoved it back in, "more."

Jayden began moving me up and down on his member as I panted and hugged around his neck. He kissed my shoulders and collarbone, "I won't do anything like that again. I promise you. I swear on my life I will never hurt you like that again. I love you, Will."

I felt him tense as I bit his shoulder. I then licked the spot before resting my head on his chest, "that's payback."

He chuckled slightly but looked to me as I sat up and met his eyes. I brushed the tears off his face before kissing him gently, "I love you. Please forgive me"

I sighed before slightly smiling, "then show me how much you love me."

Jayden quickly laid us back on the bed and began slapping us together while kissing me. He continued ravishing me until I finally passed out.