Our love

Chads point of view


After getting cleaned up Jared handed me a pair of jeans he said that doesn't fit any more and a sweater . It was really big but it smelled like him and I really liked it . I hope he doesn't think he's getting it back cause I already plan on keeping it . I walk down stairs with him and walked past the the couch and bits of last night flashed in my mind . Making me blush " Umm what about your couch " I ask pointing to the many stains on his couch . He looked at the couch noticing the evidence of our activity last night . A light blush is now visible on his face " its fine I was gonna buy a new one anyway " Jared said as he pulled me closer to him and started kissing me . I kissed back getting him have all control of the kiss . He pulled away and walked me out side , I was gonna ride with him and come back to get my car after school .

I got in the car and immediately opened the radio and listen to my favorite station . Then my song came on and I started to sing . And rocked in my seat as jared sat next to me and bored his head and sang along . As the song ended I lowered the volume and asked a question that I meant to ask yesterday but forgot to . " Hey umm are you ok with people knowing about us " he looked at me and then back on the road . He looked like he was thinking then he said " I haven't told my parents about me being gay but my friends know and their okay with it so aim fine with them knowing How bout we just act like every couple would and let them find out for themselves " After he said those words I felt lighter . Like a weight has been lifted off my chest so he's not ashamed of being with me . I thought as I smiled to and leaned closer to him proping myself and kiss him on the cheek . " Ok sure " I said he looked at me and smiled . I really am in love and he does love me .

" This is the happiest I've ever been he really is the love of my life "