
Gene stands immobile for a moment as the crowd just cheers for her, some people even spit on the unconscious Lions and curse them. Gary approaches Gene, ready to lecture her.

"Great job keeping a low profile, Miss Gene. I am starting to think that you have some strange tendency to violence."

"Sorry, Gary." Siv utters with a weak smile, barely audible. She looks exhausted and hurt.

"Well-" The words die in his throat when Siv just collapses. He catches her at the last second before she hits the ground.

'Why did she put herself in a situation like this?'

Gary lifts Siv, ready to take her to the inn when he is stopped by a woman.

"Is she alright?" Gary can see worry on the woman's face, which seems odd to him.

"She is just exhausted. She will be fine after some rest."

"Sir, please allow me to repay the young miss for her kindness." The middle aged woman asks. "She saved me and my son from those men, you are welcome to stay at our humble house. That is the least we can do." Gary looks at the woman and then at Gene.

'Ah, I understand now.'

"Thank you, but I wouldn't want to impose, ma'am."

"Oh please, I insist." Gary studies the woman, she seems genuine.

"Alright, please lead the way." The woman beams and starts walking while hugging her son.

"Sir, what do we do with the soldiers?" Asger asks.

"Take them to Stein."

"Yes, sir."

After a couple of minutes, they arrive at a small old house. The woman opens the door for them.

"Show them to the room upstairs, Lofi."

"Yes, mama." The boy guides Gary upstairs and opens a small bedroom for them. He puts Gene on the bed.

"She was so amazing." The boy exclaims with shining eyes. "No one could stand up to the Lions. I thought I was going to be taken away." The boy's face pales as if he was being dragged away again. "Forever." He adds with a whisper.

"Well, lucky she was there, then."

"Yes." Lofi smiles again. "May I know her name, please? She is the first hero I have ever met." Gary chuckles.

"Her name is Gene."

"Miss Gene." The young boy repeats. "Thank you." He bows to her before leaving the room.

"You got yourself a few admirers, Miss Gene."

"Excuse me, sir." The old woman knocks on the open door. "I brought some water and some clothes for the young miss."

"Thank you very much, and I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Not at all, it is a pleasure." The woman smiles gently. "It is not every day that someone stands up for people like us." Gary frowns at her words.

"Have the Lions been recruiting younger boys for long?"

"It started a few days ago. Most of the neighbor's sons have been taken already." The woman looks pained by the thought. "Lofi and I have been avoiding them ever since, but they found us today." She is silent for a moment, just staring at the water she placed on the table. "What kind of monsters take children to war?" She whispers, but Gary hears every word.

"I am glad you are both alright."

"Thanks to her." The woman looks at Gene. "Do you want to step outside while I tend to her?" Gary stares at her for a moment debating whether to leave or stay.

'The woman seems to be trustworthy, but you can never be too careful these days.'

"Unless you would like to do it yourself." She smiles. "I was not sure if you were lovers."

"We are not." Gary answers quickly.

"Oh, my apologies."

"I will be downstairs." Gary hears the woman chuckle before closing the door behind him.

She takes a cloth and damps it in the water before starting to clean Siv's face. She immediately opens her eyes.

"Oh, I am sorry I did not want to wake you." Siv stares at her for a few seconds in surprise.

"Where am I?"

"I asked your friend to bring you to my house to thank you for saving my son and me."

"Are you alright? That man kicked you quite hard." The woman laughs.

"Have you seen the state 'you' are in?" Siv smiles.

"I guess you are right."

"My name is Asa."

"I'm Gene, a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Gene." Asa beams. "May I help you with your wounds? I also brought clean clothes."

"Thank you." Siv nods.


"When you say my friend brought me here, you don't mean he-"

"He carried you all the way here." Siv's face heats up.

'Oh God. I didn't want him to help my fat ass saddle the horse this morning, but he ended up carrying me all the way here. I think I want to die now.'

"He is quite caring, and handsome." The woman smiles at Siv suggestively.

'Why do people keep thinking weird stuff?'

"It is not what you think."

"Oh, I am sure." She nods. "May I take off your clothes to tend to your wounds?"

"Sure, thank you." Siv sits on the edge of the bed to make it easier for Asa.

The woman starts undressing her and checking for wounds, she suddenly freezes.

"Is it bad?" Siv asks, feeling the woman stiffen next to her.

"No... no, it is not." Asa stares at Siv for a moment.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I apologize. It looks like they are minor wounds." Asa cleans them all and helps Siv put on some clothes that surprisingly fit. "I will let you rest for now, Miss Gene."

"Thank you for all your help, Asa." The woman smiles at her before leaving the room.

"She is awake." Asa announces when she reaches downstairs. "No major wounds, just a few grazes and bruises."

"Thank you for your help, ma'am."

"No need to thank me." The woman smiles at him gently. "You can go see Miss Gene if you would like. I will make supper and bring it to you when it is ready."

"I will be upstairs, then." Gary heads to the room where Gene is staying and enters after knocking.

"Please don't lecture me, I already know that I shouldn't have done that, but those bastards were mistreating the woman and taking away her son who is just a child, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing." Siv takes a deep breath when she finishes talking.

"I am not mad."

"You're not?"

"Or at least not anymore."

"So, you were?"

"I was, but as I said, not anymore." They are both silent for a moment.

'Maybe I should ask him how his back is doing.'


"What is it?"

"Are you… nothing, nothing."

'Like hell I can ask him that.'

"Well, this is an upgrade from the last inn." Gary laughs.

"Do you need me to check for any spiders, Miss Gene?"

"I think you don't need to." Siv rolls her eyes at him.

"Fine, don't call me for help if one crawls up your neck." Siv unconsciously touches her neck.

"You are a horrible person, did you know that?" Gary laughs even more.