The Test

Siv jumps out of the tender into the shallow water. It is cold, but it does not bother her. She is too nervous to even notice. Everyone pulls the small boat to the sand so they can use it to go back. 

They decided that Gary, Colby, Hulda, and Siv are the only ones who should go on the mission. Needless to say that Vahva was not happy about it. But thankfully, Gary convinced her to stay to supervise the move. She also does not know all the details about the Blue Fire and magic, so it was for the best for her to stay behind. 

"Magni, you stay by the boat." Gary orders.

"Y… yes, Captain." The sailor still can't get over the fact that he stabbed an innocent old man, his fellow crew member to make things worse. Gary does not expect him to help in any way, but he decided to bring him along to get him away from the ship for a bit.