Training our abilities

The classes aww at dereks attacks Katie noticed she still got the electric outburst so when that happens she leaves the room it's past months and she remembered it's not only her sons birthday it's also the end of the year which also bringing even more happy thoughts she saw how everyone congratulated him and Derek for going beyond basic towards advanced they were all happy and Katie saw for a few seconds Derek and Tommy high five then when they realized what they were doing they both stopped it brought Katie to a smile then the teacher appears "ok everyone today as it's our final day we shall be seeing how much you've grown let's start with Tommy" the teacher said while standing at the spot then Tommy started to close his eyes thinking that Tommy's powers didn't work she was about to say something until the teacher moved eyes closed for a quick second then reopened with different eye colors Tommy's eye color she started moving she hit the wall a few times but other than that the teacher had wrote a few letters saying mommy it's me Tommy then she realized he used mind control he quickly exited the teacher and back onto his body the teacher was clueless on what the hell happened Katie explained it was mind control one of the advanced moves she turned around looking at Katie and saw that he was out of breath everyone was surprised when his nose started bleeding Katie quickly ran over and checked his temperature and it was over 80 "hey are you ok honey do you want to go to the hospital" Katie said worried for Tommy as she remembered his body was never to strong as a baby he would always get sick "no mama I'm ok I just need to sit I think I mind controlled for too long ow!" Tommy said while holding his head Katie quickly pulled up a chair and sat Tommy down she pulled up another one and sat down herself they saw all of them use there newly trained abilities now the last one was Derek he conjured a fire ball in one hand and lightning bolts he gave out a wicked smile and flung it out the window and once the lightning had come into contact with the fire ball they both exploded everyone was wowed even Tommy was wowed Derek immediately came towards Katie for some reason "you see that miss I'm cool" Derek said while smiling then a mother and father in there 30s came in looking at the mother and son figure the mother looked angered "now why is that brat a weakling hanging out with this girl a strong looking women" the mother said then Derek looked a little embarrassed "he's my son" Katie said clueless then the father started to talk "now baby if it's ok with my wife maybe I can give you a child more strong then that weakling and powerless child " the dad said then Derek was massively embarrassed everyone was surprised even the teacher the only one not surprised is the mother and she nodded yes in like she would allow it then the husband took off his shirt and unveiled a pack of Abs "Derek your about to have a brother" the guy said licking his lips walking towards Katie then Derek walked in front of him "I don't want a brother dad plus Tommy isn't weak he's strong even stronger then me dad so please stop" Derek said with a frown "what do you mean stronger then you and why is his nose bleeding" the dad said while looking at Tommy's nose still bleeding "his power is empathy and telepathic if trained my son can literally become a god ranked and the reason for his nose bleed is because of a strong power he used mind control and I swear to god if you don't put back on your shirt I will taze you and freeze your heart" Katie said then he backed off and put his shirt on but he saw Katie blush "plus even if I wanted to do that i have a Fiancé" Katie said with a smile she then looked at her son and saw his nose bleed his getting worse and so is his headache it was so bad Tommy had been knocked out Katie was worried so she picked him up and ran to her car strapping Tommy into a seat Katie started her car and as Tommy woke up he was surprised "mama what's going on" Tommy said worried "I'm taking you to the hospital" "why mama" Tommy said wondering "your fever it's getting worse it's now 140" Katie said while looking at the tired looking Tommy "mama I don't feel good" Tommy said while throwing up then instead of Katie's calm demeanor she sped to the hospital when she got there she carried the sickly looking Tommy and brung him to the front desk "we need help please my son's fever it's 140 please he needs to get in" Katie said then the doctor looked worried and call the other doctors she picked him up and put him on the bed she took her patient books "what's his name" "Tommy I some times call him Tom" Katie said while following the doctor "what's your power and his dads power" the doctor said still worried as his temperature is going up "my power is fire and ice his dads is telepathy and empathy my powers are starting to make a weird combination and I've been getting weak burst of fire and ice my powers are fusing into lighting that also makes ice if water hits it" Katie said then she noticed that the doctor wrights everything down "what caused this and has any of this happen in the past" the doctor said readying her pain "he used one of his advance moves and in the past as a baby he did get sick very often as he had a weak immune system but it never got this worse" Katie said about to cry "don't worry miss stay calm we'll wait until his fever is a bit down then we'll take him to gene detection and for him to get x-rays