Going to school with a rivals parent

The car of a rich person drives up in front of the school everyone looked at the black Akers and where slightly startle or the people who were inside it was katie, and Derek everyone gasped at the sight wondering why the rival of her son was in her car they looked at Derek, Derek was obviously embarrassed, as the cold icy rain falls upon Katie's hair she realized they've been standing there for a good 10 minutes so she quickly gives Derek his stuff and leaves the car herself she follows Derek waiting for David to drop of Tommy, 30 minutes later Tommy arrives happily he sees his mom and runs and hugs her bumping his head against her stomach in the process but Katie didn't mind it didn't really hurt her she, then quickly left the embrace and took his hand walking to class as she enters the class she realized something all the kids parents were there of course the exception of Katie is dereks, legal guardian for a while until a aunt or uncle takes him Tommy took a seat next to Derek Katie, was confused in so many ways as she thought Tommy hated Derek or the other way around she of course didn't put that much into it as they looked cute with each other Katie, thought they look like toddlers playing with their friend but just avoiding any to all eye contact she smiled and sat down next to a worried but smiling parent Katie looked at her realizing she is new and so is the child she is looking at a child about a tad bit shorter then the others she noticed no one like absolutely no one is sitting next to him she soon realized why his left eye was scared unable to see while his left arm was worse it was halfway gone she saw it was up to his elbow she felt bad for the poor boy she looked at the young boys parent and saw how even more worried she was now that the class settled "hey so I see your knew what's your name," Katie said confusingly "my names Cassandra my son is the one in the corner his name is Daniel," Cassandra said shyly katie realized how fragile she might have been "well I'm Katie you can call me Kat even though no one calls me it my son is that one over there the one with the blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin," Katie said while pointing at Tommy "oh ya his name is Tommy, and you seem worried about your son don't worry I bet he'll have friends in no time he'll probably become best friends with my son," Katie said smiling and laughing at how she forgot to mention her sons name but her laughter was a one sided coin Cassandra didn't laugh "what's so special about your son hm!," Cassandra said while getting aggressive Katie tried to act like know one noticed but everyone noticed "look I never said my son was special well actually who am I kidding he is but to me he is special he's my special lovely little boy," Katie said everyone laughed and mimicked the way Katie said it "mama your embarrassing me," Tommy said embarrassed "oh honey embarrassing you is my job as a mother but not to the point of humiliation sorry about that" Katie said waving sorry Tommy just shrugged and looked away while Cassandra looked a bit more pissed then before "oh ya what can you son do that mines can't," Cassandra said angrily.