A gifted baby

Looking around at a hospital Katie, saw the baby she looked for her phone but she couldn't find it she remembered something that was very painful for her, she also remembers she has to tell Tommy about his dad about them separating she couldn't bare to tell him but she needs to tell him as in a few days his dads moving out she looked at the hospital phones number and dialed (9)xxx-xxx-xxxx and she waited for it to answer once she heard a child talking questioning who it was "who is this if your here for my mommy she's not here today," the child said confused he was trying to figure out how to hang up luckily for Katie he didn't press any buttons or put the phone down she knew he hadn't put the phone down because she can hear him breathing "no honey it's mommy," Katie, said smiling although since it's a phone Tommy couldn't see it Katie, knew he was happy as he laughed happily "mommy it's you where are you daddy and auntie are worried about you while I wasn't worried I knew you would be ok," Tommy, said Katie could tell he was worried a bit as well "your so strong... well look honey can you ask your dad to drop you off at Toronto's hospital," Katie said happily Tommy was scared wondering why she was at a hospital "honey your baby brother was born," Katie, said smiling Tommy yelled in happiness and he hung up it took several hours until they got there and when they did Tommy was in a adventure of menu shirt with black pants, and white dinosaur shoes with dinosaur socks, and red gloves, and a black winter hat Katie saw that he had no jacket and that made her a bit angry she had let it tommy ran to the baby in the incubator he looked at its sleeping face and awed then like the doctors he saw the mark but unlike the doctors he wasn't afraid or scared of it he actually loved it Tommy wanted to pick him up but out of nowhere a young nurse came inside stopping him "young man you shouldn't be picking up the baby," she said a bit angry Tommy felt bad and felt embarrassed so he ran in embarrassment to his mom who is still in bed everyone was shocked the nurse was about to yell at him again but David who came in a little late but might have been just outside stopped her "please don't our son hasn't seen his mother in days and same with his brother he hasn't seen him at all he only saw him in his mothers stomach," David said Tommy looked at his dad they both smiled the nurse was a bit angered by this and left Tommy, looked at his mother eyeing for permission she nodded and smiled Tommy, ran to his brother and starting to play with him. A hour has pasted and David and Katie kept on looking at each other and thought it was time so David pokes Tommy, and pointed towards the bed he didn't want to sit on the bed but he did it anyway so to not worry his mommy and and daddy he noticed they both looked at him with sorrowful looks "hey look me and your dad are breaking up," Katie said Tommy looked a little confused "what does that mean," Tommy asked confused "buddy it means you won't be seeing me a lot at home," David said while pushing Tommy's, hair away from his eye Tommy was shocked at the word "w-was it something I did or say look momma And dad I'm sorry I'll be good this time I promise I won't lie and... and I won't take money from the house I promise," Tommy said Katie saw he was about to cry "it's not you it's just me and your dad don't love each other like that any more and we just need to find other people but don't worry your dad will pick you up and you could hang out with him," Katie, said while ruffling his hair. Although she knew she had made it worse but she wanted to say the truth she saw Tommy was deep in thought so she gave him some time then something weird happened a flashing light near the incubator emits David, looking worried runs over to check on the baby but he was gone David, looked everywhere for several hours then out of thin air a light emits the same one from before and the baby is in Tommy's, hand smiling at him Tommy was of course a bit surprised but excited. Katie and David looked at each other confused as no one in there family had teleporting abilities then a nurse came in everyone looked to see which nurse and saw it was the mean one "we got news on your babies power," nurse said everyone looked at her and she was confused at first then she understood "his abilities are nothing like yours his abilities are Subatomic perception and control Disintegration Unlimited manipulation of matter and his own body Shape and size manipulation Flight Invulnerability Chronokinesis Regeneration










Reality manipulation, and last but not least power manipulation so he's basically like this comic I read about a superhero's there's one that isn't quite a superhero named doctor Manhattan he's basically that just without immortality," the nurse said everyone was surprised not at the baby being basically a god but at the mean nurses comic knowledge after a few minutes of silent a she left.