Separation hurts

Katie, looks at the sad 8 year old "no thanks," Tommy had said before running off Katie, looks at her mom "I don't know what's wrong mom see I know he's upset but it's been a few months and even asking him if he wants to go to the park which is his favorite thing he doesn't accept," Katie, said frowning she looks at her son Sam sleeping "look I know your worried but you got to remember he just lost his dad no offense but my son took care of him more than you so of course he's going to mourn for a long time maybe you should call david and ask if he can pick up tommy maybe that will cheer him up," Marian said frowning a bit she picks up her phone but Katie, stops her "I already tried that he's... Busy," Katie said while looking at her hand " what do you mean busy," Marian said "well I guess he hasn't told you the main reason why I called off the engagement a few weeks after I got attack I found out he's been cheating on me for 10 years he's been dating another girl behind my back and by his 1st anniversary with the girl she found out was pregnant with a baby now I waited a few days to get his confession but he didn't.... I got inpatient and so I confronted him but before I can tell him I found out he was at a hotel so I drive to the hotel and literally burned the door down and what I saw..." Katie said starting to cry what they didn't know there was Tommy listening in he was surprised " I found him eating dinner with his girlfriend and child she looked be a few years older then Tommy now he still doesn't know I know for some reason," Katie said crying Marian got up and slammed her feet "listen here Impostor where is the real Katie because the Katie I know would go up there and frost him and tell him how you feel not sit and sob!," Marian yelled Katie thought that actually helped a bit. So she got up and wiped her tears "your right can you watch Tommy for a while," Katie said Marian nodded and Katie left she found the room and slammed it open but unlike before where everything was nice and colorful now it was bare and colorless she could tell why so she immediately entered and found the family siting including David, he with a boy a bit younger then Tommy David was surprised "David who the HELL is she," the girl had said "oh so now I see you've used MY money to get nice things including using your own son hm how sad and pathetic I was to even love you not only had you stole from me but you also cheated," Katie said angrily the girl put her spoon down which was then dropped into her food which was meat and veggies "how dare you come in my home and act all high and mighty," she said Katie chuckled "your "home" ahah I silly my Business owns this place," Katie said angrily the girl then dropped to her knees scared out of her mind she didn't realize who she was talking to "now here's what's going to happen your never ever going to come near me and you will hang out with your sons or I'll evict you all," Katie said before engulfing into flames.