The winning school

Katie, looks at a schools name and examine what it looks like "how about this one night moon all boys private school it's big and colorful," Katie said basically might as well say shoving it in their faces Tommy then realized something he picks up fifty of the other school applications they all have two words in common all boys school then he rushes and looks at the ones in another pile he looks at all 400 of them quickly again all boys school "well I can see where he got the color and you'll like both in a sentence," joe had said by the time Tommy, finished checking if they all said all boys he was a bit mad when they all said well all boys he threw the paper. He was about to yell but then a unexpected knock game Katie, went to the door Tommy wanted to listen in but didn't want to go into a private conversation that he didn't want to hear then to his surprise when Katie, came back to the room Tommy's dad was there to with a few paper he frowned when he didn't get any hi dad or hugs but he put his feelings aside and sat next to Tommy, trying to speak to him but Tommy ultimately moved a bit away David tried to keep a calm demeanor and he just put the papers on the table "yo-your mom told me about you guys moving so I silently tried to help and I got some school applications here I want you to check them out," David said giving the papers to Tommy, but Tommy handed them back and it kept happening a few more times "please! Just look at it I want to at least have something to do with your life!," David yelled Tommy looked a bit angry "oh so now you want to be in my life even though you cheated on my mom with another person and got that same person pregnant twice!," Tommy yelled everyone was surprised but not as much as Katie she knew telling him would make him change a little not a lot Katie thought 'he's like one of those adults that are super strict and he recently found out his kid was caught cheating in a high class college' Tommy quickly shift his vision to the papers "I bet it won't be much different your all about me going to a all boys school," Tommy mumbled then as he read every last page he saw they didn't say all boys or if mistaken all girls they just said the name of the school and school he saw one he really like called "crescent Elementary school for strong children," his eyes opened wide shoving the paper in his moms arm throwing the rest Katie read it and shifted her eyes to David and pointed at the paper mouthing really she then turned to the happy Tommy "look Tommy I know you really want to go to this school but it has to be all boys," Katie said Tommy's, smiled turned into a frown Katie felt a ache all she wanted was for her kids to become successful "w-why! Does it always have to be all boys school for once in my life I want to go to a school with both boys and girls!," Tommy yelled "look no is no now I'll just give you a small stack to choose from easy picks ok here," Katie said picking out a few schools trying to hand it to Tommy but he smacked it out of her hands everyone was shocked including joe who didn't really see this side of him "I hate it here! I hate you!," Tommy yelled running off Katie was hurt she then looked at the school he wanted to go to she immediately picked it up and signed all the information she shoved it at David, " take it and leave!," Katie said walking off she walked in her room locking the door packing more stuff accidentally he elbow tipped a picture off she quickly caught it. She looked at it and saw the picture it was when Tommy, was little before David proposed she saw David holding Tommy next to Katie she then looked at the a month older child in Katie's hand "oh Samuel if only you were here," she said touching were the child was crying.