A surprise

Katie, wakes up she quickly looks at the time she saw it was early she got up and left the room looking back at the sleeping sibling frowning "oh Samuel if only you were here I miss you," Katie said walking out the room closing the door behind her she quickly takes the car to get food she then quickly comes back home and puts all the groceries on the counter taking out bacon, eggs, and pancake mix Tommy's, favorite she quickly prepares for a few minutes preparing a full blown stack of pancakes. She then puts it on a plate with the eggs and bacon finishing the pancakes with whipped cream, a cherry, and chocolate sauce she then goes back to the truck and gets most of the boxes out unpacking a little bit she got out Tommy's, favorite pair of clothes a adventure of menu shirt, and some shorts she looks at the picture it was of her holding Tommy, she frowned because she remembered that when his brother died Katie, removed all source of him including photocopying a lot of his baby picture except one she couldn't do it make him completely forgotten she then looked at the birth date of Sam and Tommy.

Tommy was born June, 8th, 2012

Sam was born November, 2nd, 2019

She remembered it was almost Sam's birthday. After a few minutes she woke Tommy, she picked up Sam they were both sleepy Tommy almost fell and hit his head because of his tiredness if it wasn't for Katie holding his hand he would have hurt his head she then helped Tommy sit giving him his food. an hour later Katie is driving the still sleeping child who was still angry Katie walked with the angry and tired Tommy, Katie had the papers in hand and was also at the front reception "hey my sons new to this school I was wondering can he attended today," Katie said handing the paper to the receptionist "sure I'll just get my niece to give him a tour," she said taking the paper and looking at a hidden child the child nodded and grabbed Tommy's, hand pulling him but carefully Tommy fully woke up he looked around him "w-where am I," Tommy said confused "your mama dropped you off it's your first day of school," he had said "oh and my names Cam," cam has said smiling a bit Tommy looked around he saw all the students in front of lockers including some girl he was confused "why are there girls here isn't this a all boys school," Tommy said cam looked a bit disappointed "this isn't a all boys school this is crescent elementary school," cam had said Tommy stopped and was shocked normally his mother was against this why had she changed her mind he smiled "why are you smiling," cam had said confused "it's because I've never been to a school with girls too and I don't have to wear a uniform I've mostly been to all boys private schools," Tommy said "well ok although this is a public school only certain students are chosen the ones with rare and strong abilities so it's basically a private school without uniforms," cam said Tommy kinda frowned cam saw "oh but don't worry I mean it's still a public school a lot of people still get in uh... here is the bathroom if you ever need to go to the bathroom... the schools big so you might need to use your phone for a map," cam said Tommy frowned but was tugged a bit by his hand so he continued to walk "I don't have a phone," Tommy said cam then instantly stopped and turned around still holding Tommy's hand "how do you not have a phone," cam said "my mama said I can't she also said I can't have a computer the reason she said is because it's the reason most bullying is costed by computers or phones the only electronics I got is my Odentnin NS well also for the phone is because when I lived in Canada it was safe nothing really happened except for the occasional few villain attacks," Tommy said cam continued to hold Tommy's hand walking looking at a paper "this is your classroom hmm looks like we got the same classes," cam said smiling "ya," Tommy said nodding "hey I was wondering do you want to play with me later as I really enjoyed talking with you," cam said removing his hand from Tommy's, but Tommy instantly grabbed both of his hands and smiled "sure I also really enjoyed talking with you and also a if you don't mind asking do you have any other friends," Tommy said smiling cam looked down and frowned "n-no I don't have any friends but I get it if you don't want to be my friend," cam said removing his hand walking away Tommy, immediately grabbed his shoulder "now why don't you have a lot of friends your supercool," Tommy had said cam, blushed a bit and turned around "you think I'm cool," cam said "ya judging by your body and slimness you have a lightning power maybe electrification," Tommy said cam blushed a bit more Tommy could see the bright red cheeks and he was confused "do you want to know why I don't have friends?" Cam said "sure," Tommy said smiling "it's because of my eye you got my power a bit wrong although it is a electric type power I also got a hardening power and my hardening power activated before my electric power so I accidentally took out my eye so this one is a glass eye they call me glass eye because of it," cam said pointing to his left eye "even the teachers," Tommy said cam, nodded frowning then Tommy put his hand on cams shoulder He smiled. "Don't worry because I'll protect you, and you didn't just lose something I lost someone my dad so I'll protect you...glass eye... oh man sorry I forgot I just I think it's cool and over did it," Tommy said blushing in embarrassment can, smiled "it's ok I don't mind you calling me it well anyway what's your power" cam said in a few minutes they became best friends knowing each other more and more.