First night

Katie, looks at her phone and sees that it's time she sits on the couch next to the two and taps on them pointing out it's time they both ran to the table the both ate their food at the same pase fast but not too fast. She sat down to eat her food turning her head towards the area the villain spoiler was she clenched her fist in anger Tommy, and cam noticed mostly by the fork she was using is melting "mama the fork it's melting," Tommy said pointing at the fork Katie, then noticed and had put down the fork she sighed "uhh do you guy want my food I'm not hungry any more," Katie, said pushing her food they both nodded Katie left looking at the eating kids on her way out smiling she said "Vultures," she said smiling and leaving she went to her room closing the door on back of her the images start to sink in again her body being left defenseless her clothes being tooken off and Tommy being forced to watch all of it luckily to her life there are some cheat her food contained poison but of course not the deadly kind it erased what happened in the past few hours and replaced them but it also replaced that time she remembered the activating time so she counted each of her fingers "Now," she said then she heard some chatting and got out of her she went into where they were eating and waved at them the only side effect this drug had was they can only make fake recent memory's if they have someone near them it would create a moment where they watched their favorite tv show she listened while cleaning dish's "that one episode of menu was really good," Tommy said cam, nodded Katie then looked at the time "ok hey you two go take a bath then go to bed can you could sleep on the top of Tommy's bed while Tommy slept on the bottom and Tommy your bath is first oh ya and cam do you have any soaps that you need," Katie said then cam, for some reason looked down "what's wrong does your powers require you to be bathed with alcohol I'm not judging," Katie said cam, looked down shaking his head "I'm scared to shower alone," cam said Katie, heard what he said and was kinda shocked and so was Tommy Katie didn't know what to do. She started to think "mama do you want me to go In the bath with him," Tommy said then Katie thought 'well there both boys and at this age they don't know stuff like that I may have to say yes I can't just let someone's kid go showerless for a week' "Tommy would you feel comfortable," Katie asked "ya mama we're both friends don't every friend do this," Tommy said "no nobody does this but as long as your comfortable," "now go before I start to hate myself," Katie said then the two run upstairs Katie, is insanely worried "I can't believe I'm allowing this nobody's parents allow this actually do they maybe there's a post on Quora.