A idea

A year has passed Tommy, has trained and became stronger for a 10 year old he became the king of crescent school everyone respected him and his second in command Cameron there would be accessional competitors for the throne but Tommy, took them out almost instantly. Cameron followed Tommy looking at his facial features smiling and blushing he looked around both him and Tommy liked the school in the winter because of the shear coldness that draped through the doors they hated it during spring, fall, and summer because heat would scrap through the windows and doors not caring who it had touched cam, realized he was at the classrooms doors both Cameron and Tommy stopped "are you ready cam it's our second day as second grader and I only just announced being king yesterday now where is she," Tommy said cam, then came back to the harsh and cruel fact Tommy was dating a girl their age cute of course he frowned wh-why does he have to be with her I love him I guess he never knew' cam thought crying inside then a girl a bit short then them came walking in wearing a yellow and blue shirt that had words saying 'I like someone already sorry' the girl had hugged Tommy smiling "Karie! Your finally here me and Cam been waiting a while," Tommy said cam, remember every sleep over although it hasn't changed they still take baths together and other things they do together Tommy, always talks about Karie that and karie this feeling cam doesn't understand but he hates being left out of talking and stuff cam and Tommy used to be close now they are still close but each time he talks to Tommy he feels like he's on another planet cam, noticed a paper on the floor and picked it up tapping Tommy's shoulder he looked at cam confused "I think for a boys only hang out thing we should do the school talent show together," cam said giving Tommy, the paper Tommy then nodded "we'll sing and stuff like that," Tommy said karie, was a bit agitated and ran off a few hours later Tommy, cam, and karie are at lunch Tommy sits up with a sorrowful look and looks at cam, cam was confused "cam I'm sorry to say this but it looks like I'm going to team up with Karie in the talent show," Tommy said frowning cam, lost it and stood immediately up and ran off crying Tommy tried to run after him but karie stopped him shaking her head no Tommy shook her hand off running after him. Tommy, was a bit worried he's never seen Cameron like this he ran going where cam went he found Cameron crying he tried to enter the room but Karie stopped him "if you do this we'll no longer be together," karie said Tommy then stepped away from the door Tommy felt something he hasn't felt ever even with karie he felt like he was cheating on cam even though they liked each other as friends he didn't quite understand the way he felt.