A bit sad

Tommy, looks at his food he's a bit sad he hasn't talked or hanged out with cam for a week he's been mad Tommy looks at his mom confused "mom why doesn't cameron talk with me," Tommy asked Katie, became upset she looked at Sam frowning then she looked back at Tommy "he confessed his love for you how else do you think he would feel his feeling are hurt plus you've picked a girl who've you only known for a week over a friend you've known for two and a half years," Katie said angry "well I have decided I want to..... I want to choose... who I want to be with," Tommy said a bit mad Katie, smacked her own face "well it might be too late as he won't talk to you and I haven't seen him since the talent show or have I heard from his parents," Katie said Tommy thought of something "mom can you drive me to where they love," Tommy said Sam, looked up confused Katie quickly placed more food in his plate so he can focus eating and it had worked "i don't know maybe he moved out I heard from his dad a few weeks ago that if anything bad happens to their son he has a aunt that lives in the mountains," Katie said Tommy, was scared "please mama I know I probably lost my chance but I should have told him I love him I just didn't know what I felt at the time," Tommy said worried Katie, sighed and nodded her head "fine let's go," Katie said she couldn't really resist a good drama or a romance so she quickly had picked up Sam, who tried to pick up his food but he had dropped it Katie picked it and left she had unlocked her car bucking Sam in Tommy quickly sat down and had put on his seat belt a few a few minutes later they arrive at a house Cameron's house Tommy quickly exits and knocks on the door both dale and Kylie open the door dale was angered when he saw Tommy "what the hell do you think your doing here rejecting my son! And hurting his feelings not saying sorry," dale said angrily "look I'm sorry ok," Tommy said dale, began to close the door but Tommy had stopped him "look I'm sorry ok I picked the wrong person and i regret that i...I like him.... more than a friend I just don't know how to tell him I thought he didn't feel the same for me," Tommy said everyone heard except for Cameron, dale opened the door wide gesturing for him to go so Tommy ran upstairs opening Cameron's door Cameron was surprised he got up and looked at a few papers "what do you want I think you already made yourself clear that you don't like me," he said angrily "you got it wrong I do like you but I didn't know how to tell if I liked you I'm sorry," Tommy said frowning cam, turned around crossing his arms with a little bit of hope in his eyes "if you really do like me... hmm kiss me," cam said blushing.