
For until I can think of a idea and a plot of the crossover some people would call it I made a new story called ever lasting high well I'm starting to make it, it has nothing to do with the contest I just got the idea from the contest we'll now that you think about it, it's part of the contest but then again it also isn't well anyway this is a story about alex your average wizard who goes to a magic academy called ever lasting high of course I was going to think of I different name but that's the first thing that sounded.... magical I might actually change it to emerald academy if of course the name isn't taken I haven't thought of a plot yet so most of it would probably be about you guys getting to know the mc and his group of friends this book might also be the first book that I name the whole class instead of doing selective few but so far I have thought it threw the crossover won't probably contain that many chapters probably like 20 if I don't get super into it and the chapters each would probably be a little under 1000 words or if I get super into it and I feel like doing a long chapter a little under 2,500 I never done that much so It may be hard for me if I want too, to do the under 2500 oh and I won't be putting all the characters in just the few essentials like klover, Arthur, Maria, David, Arthur (Maria's son), Adrian, and Katie each of the story is of course going to bring one of their kids I'm just having problems on which kid would show up more I know obviously David, arthur (Maria's son which I'm going to nick name art) and Adrian but other than that I'm unsure oh and this is in Katie's timeline so Katie would obviously show up but I will probably write the crossover when Katie is near finding Samuel is a important piece in my somewhat finished but not really somewhat finished plot oh and if their are any people who are confused on why Alex and his group won't appear it's basically because they're more based on another universe. Ok of that topic I would like to thank you guys for being with me at the start I know I may not be the best... ok I'm not that good at describing something and I'm not that good at making the characters talk with each other well I am.... probably but one thing my friend told me is it keep trying if you can't get the talking and description right then when your done with that book write another then... write another until your writing is somewhat good their also one of my friends who is troubled but he's nice anyway he told me not to give a sh*t what people say just keep doing what your doing but I probably will follow half of that I'm probably going to care a lot in what people say but the one thing I won't do is be a quitter I'll keep on writing until the best ending is made even if I have to uncomplete my story and write a new ending that is better but I just won't do it with the novels that are included into the novel unless multiple people have a problem with the way I ended it and tell me nicely something like this "hey christiannatal880 I don't really like the ending of this [novel] can you please change it" something like that but only if multiple people like it like at a minimum of 30 or 20 like or if people just comment but this type of change ending comment will not be accepted "hey Christian can you f**** change the ending of [novel] if you don't I'll stop reading because of this horrible f******* ending" that will not be acceptable but you will get my attention but not with me in a good mood but anyway. Let me thank your guys for sticking with me you all are the best and I wish you al the best of luck ps oh ya and right now at this moment I have decided to change the new books name to emerald academy pss I'm normally not very mean I just usually ignore mean or rude comments.