
Katie slammed her hands multiple times "damn it damn it damn it admit!" Katie yelled she ran and grabbed her keys she immediately ran to the door opening it then she slammed the door the door produced a loud bang she then entered her car and drove.

She arrived at the social services building she ran to the door into the front desk she slammed her hand on the hard surface the women at the desk was immensely confused and surprised "you have no right taking away my sons!" Katie said the girl was becoming scared she had no clue who or what powers she had "m-miss maybe you can tell me your name and I can see why your kids was taken away "my name is Katie levin," Katie said.

The girl immediately turned on her computer they both waited minutes until the girl finally found the file she quickly read it "it says here miss levin that your kids were taken away from you because of neglect when we came there it seemed like the whole house was a mess it was barely live able or at least for a child's standard," the women said Katie calmed down or at least tried "look please can i please have my children back they are all I have," Katie said.

The girl looked at Katie frowning "I'm sorry miss maybe you could have had your children back if this was your first time but the database says this is your 10th time and it says when the children were found the older child was starving only giving the baby the food but.... you have two option," the girl said Katie smiled she looked at the girl "what do I have to do," Alex said the girl looked at her screen reading every last word "the first option is to stop doing what your doing now obviously we can tell when your looking for someone we are asking for you to stop and put your children first and you only have one last chance as we got a nice foster family on the waiting list the second option is to put him into a group home you'll retain visiting rights and other parental rights the only rights your won't get is to be able to take them home and you must be covered by a court appointed guardian now I need to say this although you most likely will choose option A but with option B you can still look for who ever your looking," the girl said.

Katie thought about it thinking what's best for them on one hand she can have her kids back but she won't be able to look for her other child but on the other she won't be taking her kids home but she can visit them she also can look for her other child it was hard for her to choose.