Crossover part 1

Katie wakes up mere minutes later she saw she was tied to a chair with rope she looked in front of her and saw them the people who kidnapped her there were merely only 4 people one of them was a child a few years older than her kids she tried to get out worried for her safety "who... where am I and who are you I demand you tell me who are you and where I am," Katie said the people looked at her a bit angrily but only one was all the way angry he looked to be ready to explode "listen women we are at some place called la-ar-chas cl-eaning futility's now your going to tell us what year it is," Adam said he looked down at Katie smiling thinking what he could do to her to make her talk.

The angry one turned away "Arthur don't be like that me and Adam are trying," klover said he turned towards Arthur, Arthur looked at klover angrily "I just want to get back home to my original timeline I've been in this timeline for a year you klover been on this timeline for a whole 5 years while Adams only been here since last month," Arthur said Katie overheard them so she quickly bumped in but from where's tide up she can't bump in "you guys are talking about time travel," Katie said everyone looked at her.

They all a bit smiled " so you know about that magic are you able to help us your a sourced right," Adam said he smiled Katie shook her head "I'm from a long line of sorcery but my family's magic skipped a generation it's rare these days sadly," Katie said Adam looked at her confused "how is magic rare everyone has magic there should be thousands no millions of mages in what ever year this is," Adam said Katie looked down she became depressed "a long time ago the planet was how should I say this engulfed in a rainbow light it literally killed all magic well it didn't kill magic it killed the source of magic itself and every animal that was dependent on magic like fairies and pixies but of course only if they were in there magic reliant form but if they weren't then they just lose all magic abilities but of course the light gave something in return the things they gave are called abilities there are few witches around these says luckily for me I know one witch who can help you but you have to help me with something," Katie said.

Katie smiled as Adam and the rest looked at her angrily klover looked at her angrily "you little human have no right in making demands so if I were you I would contact this witch or we'll kill you," klover said Katie looked at him with disbelief "you won't kill me as you need me," Katie said klover sighed "what do you want," klover said katie smiled and lifted her arms up revealing that she got out of the rope a few minutes ago everyone was shocked " I need your help to break into a black ops army base called SPC and I need your help retrieving something from there," Katie said.