
Annabelle woke up to a loud voice.

"…please remember that the exam needs to be completed in thirty minutes. The child who was sleeping, good luck, since you missed the explanation."

Annabelle was still slightly groggy and so it didn't occur to her that the man was talking to her until she noticed people smirking in her direction, some outright laughing at her or shaking their heads in disbelief.

'Oh shit…' When she had fallen asleep, she had only meant to take a brief cat nap.

'I'm so screwed…Marc is never going to let me live this down.'

They had planned for her to fail the physical test. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew that she was not a physically gifted person and was not able to meet the expectations of the top academy. However, she would die of embarrassment if her friends found out that she had slept through the explanation of the test.

'I hope I can pass this by following someone's example, please let there be someone I can follow around…' She desperately looked at the people around her, waiting for someone to start the test.

Just when she was starting to panic a loud beep sounded and the other examinees began to move towards the door quickly.

After a few minutes the group ended up in an open field with a track. As Annabelle watched people began running on the track.

'So, we just have to run around the track for thirty minutes, that's easy. '

She joined the people on the track and started running.

'Dang that dude has passed me at least nine times already.' She watched a guy run by her again.

'I think everyone's passed me at least three times… Oh crap, we must have to run a certain distance within thirty minutes… I'm so dead.'

She sped up as she tried to guess how much time had gone by.

"Ha, picking up the pace won't save your ass now girly; you've got four laps left and only five minutes."

A young man with what looked like tan cat ears on his head spoke up from beside her.

Annabelle ignored him and kept running.

"Mers Andra you are disqualified for talking to another examinee. Please follow your attendant off the premises."

Annabelle smirked. 'At least I didn't get disqualified while mocking someone. '

"Annabelle Seau please keep in mind that you will be requested to leave school grounds if you do not complete the two tests with a satisfactory grade."

She blushed bright red.

In the observation room Fresor blanched. "Tell the idiot not to bother that child, I don't want the school leveled!"

In a different room a young blond hit another girl over the head with a textbook labeled 'Races and How They Develop.'

"Dumbass, weren't you paying attention in class the other day? Don't you know what happens when an immature Ayeri is upset? Do you want to be the cause of the school getting turned to rubble?"

The other girl was now holding her head, which had already formed a wonderfully large bump between two tiny nobs. "Ouch! You didn't have to hit me! Ashley why the heck…"

"You're lucky she doesn't seem to be affected by what you said, what would you do if she started throwing a fit? You'd have to kneel in front of the deans and beg forgiveness."

"Alright Ashley, that's enough, I think you left some knowledge from that book in her head." Acott nodded towards the bump on Sanse's head.

"Good afternoon Dean Acott." Both women stood and greeted the dean of their school.

"It's okay ladies, go ahead and sit back down. I just came in to make sure things didn't escalate." He looked at Sanse.

"Next time make sure to actually learn the lessons you are taught." He scolded the young Mgeran, and as he did so her light pink ears tufts fluttered back and her irises narrowed, before she replied to him.

"Yes sir, Dean Acott. I'm very sorry for the accident I almost caused."

"No worries, I just hope you will take this incident to heart, so that in the future when you are out in the world working, you don't cause a misunderstanding that could kill yourself and others."

"Yes sir." She looked at her scaled hands, and tightened them into fists, "I'll makes sure that never happens."

"That's wonderful. Now I must go back and make sure Fresor doesn't steal all the cake, but please do continue with your jobs, I don't wish to interrupt any longer than I have."

"Thank you for your advice sir." Ashley and Sanse spoke up as Acott left their observation room.

Ashley flicked Sanse's shoulder. "He said it's alright, don't worry about it anymore, let's just get back to our job, we need to make sure no one talks or cheats. Also, I think we are supposed to count how many laps each examinee does."

"You think? Have you been counting? Because I haven't, no one told me that I was supposed to do that." Sanse looked at her friend incredulously. "If you should have been counting, what are we going to do?"

"How about we replay footage?"

"Can't, for security purposes it's only a live feed that doesn't get backed up."

"Well then I guess we could just say that everyone passed. This test wasn't created to weed out participants anyways." Ashley proposed.

"We could, I mean in ARD who really cares about physical prowess anyways? The Professors obviously don't, I've seen some of mine struggle with walking up a few stairs, and they weren't even carrying anything!"

Just as they had decided this, their timer went off, signaling the end of the test.

Sanse and Ashley looked at each other, Sanse poked Ashley.

Rolling her eyes Ashley grabbed her IO and spoke into it. "Alright everyone, stop where you are, your attendants will be with you shortly, other than Mers, everyone has passed, congratulations. Please stay with your attendants and you will be taken to the last test, which will be specific to the branch of ARD that you wish to attend."

"Whose idea was it to have Sanse and Ashley take care of the second test?" A large hamster stood on his hind legs and shook his head as he spoke.

"No idea Rou, but whoever it is probably has a headache right about now." Dora answered, laughing at the idea. Happy that her friend's new charge had made it through the exam.

In the other room Acott sat back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose.